The diner

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Rebekah's POV

"HEY THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU" I screamed at Hope I wasn't trying to be mean but everyone was worried about her and no-one had seen her in just over 24 hours. "I'm really sorry Aunt Bex's and everyone else, I went for a run yesterday for hours I got side tracked and was really enjoying it when I started getting tired and it was nearly dark and I was ages away from the school I started running back but got so tired I couldn't walk so along the way I found a patch to lye down on and sleep I didn't think you guys would worry 'or care at all'" She mumbled the last part but the look on Kol's face after she said that was the same as mine he must have heard it as well but I don't know about anyone else. Why didn't she think we cared obviously we did we're her family and love her with everything. Yes we don't see her a lot but New Orleans is busy and we have to keep peace and she knows this.

"Why were you running for so long anyway" Davina asked from behind me. "Oh I had to get some somethings of my mind after yesterday morning" She glanced at Josie as she spoke clearly directing that something bad had happened with her. What the hell did Josie do I turned around and glared at her, no-one makes Hope sad without consequences. "Okay darling go take a shower and get ready we're going to Dinner with Josie later" Freya said. With Josie when the hell did this happen I guess that was okay I needed to have a talk to her anyway. "Okay bye guys, again I'm sorry" We all mumbled a mix of It's fine and bye's.

Once Hope walked out the room Freya started to walk out as well but quickly turned around took me by the arm and dragging me to her room. "Jesus how does a witch have so much strength you could have just told me you needed to talk to me" I spoke with a hint if annoyance in my voice "Sorry it's just important" She apologised. She said the silencing spell and started to talk "This is something else she did after her parents death going out to the bayou, shifting for hours and not coming back to the quarter until the next day looking drained and sad" I thought about it for a bit and remembered when Hope hadn't come back for a week and we had all of the New Orleans super naturals looking for her and even compelled humans to help. "Yeah Ik it's similar to what she was acting like 4 years ago do you think she's been doing it again or maybe never stopped" I was getting more and more worried remembering the sign's last time. "I remember when we first found out about it she was horrified and promised it was only a one time thing do you think it was correct to believe her, we should have been more suspicious or checked in on her after that not let her come back to this school a few days after" I spoke again ranting at this point in anxiousness"It's been 4 years if it's still going I don't know what I'll do but I know for one I don't know how I'll forgive myself for being so blind" Freya said with tears in her eyes mine were already down my face "Me and you both need to keep a close eye on her if it's nothing then great but if we are right we need to tell Kol so he can help us talk to her" I nodded and I walked out her room with those thoughts still as clear as daylight in my head.

Hope's POV

I was sitting on my bed thinking about how I was such a bad daughter and niece and just person. I don't understand why my dad did what he did sacrificed himself why couldn't it have been me I didn't deserve to be the person who lived.


I couldn't stop my hurtful thoughts and emotions it hurt like nothing else could ease it and wouldn't stop tears were running down my face and the lights started to flicker before anything else could go wrong I got the blade from underneath my blade and started sliding across my skin feeling the relief of emotions float away and the cool blade that touched my skin freezing my emotions.

The lights stopped flickering but it wasn't enough I needed more pain I took it of my skin and it heeled itself. I looked at the blade and whispered addendi dolore to add to the pain of the blade I slid it across my skin and wanted to scream but at the same time I felt more relieved then ever before, maybe this would last longer than usual. I did it 5 more time before the pain was unbearable and blood was everywhere. I said the spell to clean everything up and looked down to see my cut hadn't healed 'shit I added to the pain there gonna leave scares long tops for me' I thought. After a few minutes the numbness was back not as heightened as before but I could feel it starting to cast over me.

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