They don't know

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This stars a few hours after Hope walked out of the compound.

Josie's POV

Earlier Klaus and Hayley told me Hope walked out which made me worried because of all the things she could be doing or just the place she was. It had been a few hours since I saw her last and I missed her already. Klaus and Hayley were still in the same seats as before waiting for Hope to get back. I wanted to be there for her as well but the other two convinced me they needed time with her and to talk in private.

It had been hours now and the sun was fully up everyone in the house knew Hope was missing but didn't go look for her, no-one thought they could find her, the only way she could be found is if she wanted to be found and she clearly didn't. I heard noises from downstairs. I walked out my room and heard her voice it was Hope's it sounded a bit different but I pushed past that just wanting to see her. I decided to give her time with her parents because something must have happened to make her walk out.

Hayley's POV

Me and Klaus were sitting in the same spot from when we were talking to Hope panicking about what she was doing. The sun was up now indicating she had been out for hours, a sound came from in front of us it was Hope. Klaus ran to her and I followed shortly behind wrapping her in a hug. She hugged back but it didn't really feel right it felt like she was resisting us. It was most likely that she felt bad. "Are you okay, where have you been, what have you been doing" She seemed shocked at us caring and it took a minute for her to register our question. "I'm fine, I was at the bayou and ran for a bit then I went to the lake near the back part of the bayou where I used to play hide and seek" I nodded remembering all of the memories of when she was little and enjoyed playing hide and seek by the lake and used her magic without permission making me laugh but also have to remind her to stop.

"Josie is probably waiting upstairs for you and worried" A flash of emotion I hadn't seen before was in her eyes but as quickly as it came it went away she smiled and walked upstairs. "Did you see that" Klaus whispered to me mentioning what had just happened I nodded indicating I was worried. "I'll ask her later" I whispered back knowing she wouldn't want to bombarded with both of us. "Can I talk to her I recognise that expression" I motioned him to go on "It's where your scared of yourself and of what you'll do to others" I was shocked at this "But why would she have that emotions" He shrugged his shoulders and slowly the rest of the family came piling down stopping our conversation.

Josie's POV

Hope walked into her room, I had been lying there waiting for her to come upstairs and also not wanting to go back to my room. She looked at me with a smile it was clearly fake but I didn't want to push her to tell me anything. I started to talk to her about how annoying Lizzie was being she had gone back into her old routine since me and Hope had gotten together. She was being really mean to me then apologising then being even more selfish. It always upset me because I felt like I was being degraded by my own sister. "Maybe spend some time with her since we got together you haven't had much bonding time, maybe tonight sleep with her and talk about everything" I agreed thinking that was a good idea but also wondering why Hope was so persistent on it happening.

I heard a lot of talking from downstairs and a ring of the phone after a few minutes we were called down. This made me worried about what had happened they usually don't on purpose get 'kids' involved unless it's important. "Hey what's up"" Me and Hope said at the same time making us giggle but stop as soon as we saw Klaus's serious expression.

Klaus's POV

We had just been told that there was a vampire going around time and there trade mark was interesting. At first no-one realised it as a vampire until there was found that there were 4 puncture marks on their neck indicating it was 2 vampires. Marcel was going to have to do the talking to the vampires because no-one in the French quarter knew I was back yet or that Elijah and Hayley were back and we wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. I called Hope and Josie downstairs so that everyone was here when I told them what I got told on the phone.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now