Well hello part 1

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Hope's POV

I open my eyes and it was night or early morning I'm not really sure. I turn to my side and still see I'm cuddled into Josie's side, I smile to myself and slowly pull away but she starts to stir so I stop for a few minutes to make sure she stays asleep. I quickly pull away and replace my body with a pillow and see that she doesn't wake and I move to wear my phone has been placed.

I pick it up and turn it on the brightness shocking me a message pops up luckily it's on silent so it didn't make a noise. I checked the time first and saw it was 2 am making me confused at why everyone had let us sleep for so long, what also confused me what that someone had texted me at 2 in the morning.

I read the message and nearly dropped my phone at what I read.

Hi there if you don't want me and the rest of us coming after you and your family well just anyone you care about meet me at this address in an hour alone~Aurora

42 Rickets Lane

I bit my lip and didn't reply unsure of what I was going to. I could wake the house up and get them to follow but she said alone and I didn't want them to hurt her. I could just not go, but this is the only option I would get without hurting everyone around me. I looked around and got dressed quickly knowing what I was going to do.0

I took my uncle's car and raced of to the address hoping no-one would realise I was gone and try to follow me.

I stood alone in a dark street, not a person or animal in sight every single lamppost was on. In the back of my head I know I'm going to regret this.

"Well hello there" I heard the annoying sound of a voice. The bright red hair was the first thing I saw once I turned around to be met the person I wanted to strangle with all my heart. I took a breath trying not to fight her from what she did to my family and Josie.

"What did you want" I said not even trying to hide the malice in my voice, wanting to get this over with. I crossed my arms and tried to burn into her skull with my eyes.

"Calm down no need to get all feisty, just thought it would be best if we talked" I rolled my knowing that whatever act she was trying to put up would end in failure.

"Aurora just spit it out I don't want to see your face just as much as you don't want to see mine" I bit the inside of my mouth not letting even an ounce of the fear I felt appear.

"Well I know about you little plan and I think it would be wise to decide to not do it we wouldn't want anyone dying" each word she said venom seeped through indicating what she was planning to do. I growled and my eyes glowed.

"Oh god already going all tribrid on me, well maybe I could strike a deal" I greeted my teeth and raised an eyebrow question what it was. "So none of your pathetic family find another way to die it might be best if you came with me maybe g travelling we could have some fine" My eyes widened not really understanding what she meant.

"So you'll stop threatening and trying to kill my family and the people I care about if I go travelling with you" I deeply inhaled after this not 100 percent sure if I wanted to answer, while also trying to keep my guard up as much a possible getting ready to fight or run if I had to.

"Yes pretty much your a witch so you might have to help me with a few things but its your decision but if you decline there may be some gruesome outcomes to that brunette your dating and maybe her sister If I get bored"

3rd Person POV

Hope's eyes one again glowed but this time black lines strike through them in addition to the red and blank veins going through her face. She had to hold back every instinct in her to not rip Aurora's body to shreds she was a Mikaelson. "And what makes you think I wont just kill you right here now" she said her tribrid face not faulting.

"Well considering the fact I have about a hundred witches surrounding this street" The second Aurora said this many witches appeared, they had all put a cloaking spell on them spells from vision sent and noise so Hope had no way of noticing them. Hope could feel the power building up in her just as the anger grew, she didn't know if she could control it anymore. "You have a day until I rip Josette's head from her body" A blue ring of magic spread out instead of hitting the witches they all just absorbed it giving them all more power.

Hope looked around her the pace of her breath increasing as she started to panic. "Goodnight Hope" she heard just before a crack went.

Back at the house

Josie had woken up to an empty bed and looked around confused not sure where her girlfriend had gone. She let her hearing spread through the house but unfortunately didn't here the sweet voice of Hope. She frowned and got up and hurriedly got dressed to go ask around, other people where also up so Josie went straight to Klaus's room, she knocked on the door but no reply came she knocked a few more times but when not a single noise came from the room she stopped.

Josie realised if he wasn't in his room this early there was only one other place he could be. Josie vamped to the room and knocked but this time she heard Klaus's voice asking who it was. "It's Josie, I need to talk it's important" "Come in" was heard so twisted the door nob and opened it.

Her eyes were met with colour everywhere and different portraits hanging on the wall some where signed just by Klaus and some by Hope and even a few by both. Josie smiled tentatively "Wow it's gorgeous in here" She said quietly.

"I'm surprised Hope hasn't brought you in here" Klaus said whilst putting down a paintbrush and palette. Josie just shrugged she was always intrigued by Klaus's and Hope's painting room but she had never asked not wanting to push on something that was clearly a private thing just for them. "So what did you need". Josie mentally slapped herself from forgetting of what she came in here for.

"Do you know where Hope is, she wasn't there when I woke up" Klaus didn't reply but when Josie looked at him she saw the same look that Hope had when she was worried about something. Taking that as a sign of no Josie anxiously bit her lip "Oh" Klaus stood up and stormed out of the room leaving Josie confused and alone, she followed after him closing the door behind her.

She vamped down stairs assuming hearing that's where he was headed. By the time she got down there he was already screaming at everyone to find where Hope was. After about an hour of freaking out Lizzie came down stairs still her pyjamas. She was confused what all the noise was about and what had gotten Klaus all riled up, once she heard that they where flipping out about where Hope had disappeared to she shouted at everyone to shut up. "I saw her sneaking out this morning well she wasn't even trying to be quiet I was getting water and when I went through the living room I saw her go through the door" Everyone just stared at her making Lizzie slightly annoyed "WHAT" she said rolling her eyes.

"And you didn't tell us this before" Klaus said looking like he wanted to burn Lizzie to pieces.

"Well I wasn't awake was I and I didn't know that everyone here doesn't know the words 'space' and 'freedom' Hope's almost 18 and you guys storm around like its the end of the world when she's been missing for an hour calm down she's the god damn tribrid" Lizzie said all of this like it was common knowledge but they where looking at her like she was crazy.

"But...but nothing" Josie began but Lizzie interrupted. "Hope will probably be back soon" With this she went back upstairs already worn out by their ridiculous panicking.






This is half of part 55 I'm sorry I haven't been updating but I was really ill because of Covid and then I also have assessments after half term and I'm also someone with quite extreme anxiety so I've been panicking a lot about it and trying to cram in revision without having a break down 'hasn't been working' this is only half of the chapter I wanted to do but this is what I got up to before everything happened the chances are I wont post for the next two weeks but I will try. I hope you enjoy where I got up to and continue reading

Love you bye ^_^

( 19/02/2022 1588 words )

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