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I'm going to start saying what day it is in the story each time to make everything more clear

Tuesday night

Josie's POV

I curled into Hope sobbing emotions still flooding into me. She wrapped her arms around me comforting me and making me feel safe, but I still felt horrible for everything I did. "I'm so sorry Hope" I looked into her eyes and also saw tears. "Are you upset with me" I asked quietly and looked down to my hands. She put her finger under my chin lifting it so our eyes meet. "Josette Saltzman I could never be mad at you" I furrowed my eyebrows "Then why are you crying" She smiled tenderly and gave me a chaste kiss "Because I hate to see you blame yourself when it isn't you fault and I'm the one who caused you all this pain" I hugged on to her not wanting her to feel this way. "Hope It isn't your fault you had and have been through so much" I yawned at the end and put my head to Hope's chest "Go to sleep love your tired" Hope whispered in my ear. In seconds I was in a deep sleep only thinking about Hope.

Hope's POV

Nearly immediately after I heard Josie's breath even out I went to sleep knowing she was okay and there in my arms.


I heard quiet noises around me of coo's and awwww's. I opened my eyes to see Kol, Lizzie and Rebekah there. I jumped not realising Josie was still in my arms making her wake up. "Sorry Jo my creepy aunt and uncle are watching us sleep and so is your sister" Josie opened her eyes glaring at her twin with daggers. "I swear to God if you don't let me cuddle with my girlfriend after ages of us having our switches of I will raise the devil himself to come kill you" Lizzie chuckled ignoring the remark and Kol smirked "Sorry Hope already revived the devil when she brought Klaus back but I'm sure he wont mind killing Elizabeth" Lizzie stopped laughing at that and stared at Rebekah for help "Don't look at me like that your the one who was watching them sleep" I raised my eyebrow in amusement "Aunt Bex you realise you were also staring at me and Jo" Rebekah laughed nervously and walked out the room just as Klaus walked in.

"Morning Dad" I grumbled "Morning Hope" He replied in the same tired tone " Kol and Lizzie looked at me then Dad then at each other then burst out laughing. "Can you kill my sister for me" I heard from my side seeing Josie look even more pissed. "Sorry love, I would happily do that but you love her most the time" I smirked and hugged her.

Kol and Lizzie where still dying of laughter on the floor while Klaus kept looking at them like they where annoying bugs. "Oh will you to shut the hell up" Freya said walking through the door. "So is my room now family meeting time" Kol had the classic Mikaelson smirk on his face making me regret my words "Don't you dare" I said slowly really not wanting for it to happen. A gush of wind went past me and Kol disappeared but reappeared quickly with the rest of the family and Saltzman's even DR Saltzman. "I hate you sometimes Kol" Everyone else muttered in agreement.

"Dad how the hell did you even get here" Josie asked still with a tired voice "Oh I arrived this morning wanting to know what was happening because APARENTLY PEOPLE CAN'T KEEP ME UPDATED" Dr Saltzman said and the last bit staring at Caroline. She just shrugged "I will leave Hope to have one less person from her room" She said and walked out. I smiled lightly still annoyed at all the people in my room. Josie must have seen how I looked and almost immediately sprung awake "Everyone get the hell out of Hope's room if you need to talk to her txt her like a normal person and if your to old fashion to have a phone go buy one" Josie said with attitude then went back to snuggling into me.

I wrapped my arms around her still tired of the last few months. "Fine but we're getting twin cuddles later we haven't had any time together since you went on a bender" Lizzie said and walked out and Josie huffed. "Please everyone leave" I said again and people actually started to leave.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now