Yes (Last part)

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(I hope you enjoy the final part outfits up above and it turned out to be a really long part)

Hope's POV

I woke up me and Josie bodies intertwined. Even like this I could never be close enough to her, because as long as she was more than a cm a way I would miss her. I looked over at her, elegant eye lashes perfectly closed on her fair skin. The way her hair lays around her head, that she would this is messy but it isn't its just beautiful just as much as she is. Every inch of her is amazing to me and every time I see her, I find more and more reasons of why I love her so much.

"Are you just gonna stare at me all day" She said making me jump, not realising she was awake, and opened one eye, giving me an adorable grin.

"I wasn't staring I was...well...yes I was staring but you're perfect who wouldn't want to and yes, yes I will stare at you all day" I replied giving her a cheeky smile back.

"Lets go on a date today" I practically announced. When I realised how loud I said it I curled in on myself not wanting to make her if she didn't want. "Sorry I meant, do you want to go on  a date today ?" My voice was drenched in Hope (haha pun) having planned for weeks.

3rd Person POV

"Honey of course I will go on a date with you" Josie said to Hope who was now beaming from the reply. Jose leant closer Hope and kissed her on the forehead.  "That means we also have to get up and get ready" Josie said trying to pull herself away from Hope's tight in brace.

"Noo oo" Hope groaned "More cuddles" She said, Josie smiled and tried to not give in but gave up and went back to hugging hope. After another few minutes she pulled away succeeding this time since Hope wasn't expecting it.

"Come on Hopey time to get up" Josie said leaning over, since she was sitting up, to Hope pushing a piece of Auburn hair behind Hope's ear.

"Fine" Hope said sitting up and pouting. Josie raised her eyebrow getting Hope standing immediately and looking around the room quickly like she had just realised something.

"Hope are you okay" Josie said to her noticing this, walking over to her and picking up one of her hands. "If you really need more sleep you can don't worry" Hope shook her head at this walked towards her wardrobe.

"No love I'm fine just realised I need to go into town before we go on that date of ours" Hope said smiling. Josie just nodded still unsure but smiled it off anyway. If Hope was still acting like this later she would talk to her.

They talked about what they where going to do for the date whilst getting dressed, giggling about random things every chance they got. By the end of it Hope had convinced Josie to let her plan it all since apparently she already had an idea for it all.

"Come on aren't you going to give me a hint" Josie begged Hope as they walked down the stairs. The smaller girl just smirked refusing to give even the smallest detail.

"What's this hint you need darling" Rebekah said walking into the living room.

"Me and Josie are going on a date today" Hope paused for a few seconds giving Rebekah a intense glance "....and she wants to hear what I'm planning" Hope finished. This sentence seem to have made Bex's eyes widen immediately. Josie looked at Rebekah confused expecting to be filled on by the sudden shocked look.

"So your going on a date huh I hope you enjoy" Rebekah quickly spoke trying not giving away anything apart from a wide smile covering her face.

Josie's POV

Once Rebekah left the room to go and get food from the kitchen. Hope said she was going to go get breakfast for us. I could smell the deliciousness coming from there and asked if I should help. She shook her head and walked into the kitchen. I sat down on the sofa with a huff getting annoyed at how persistent Hope was to not give anything away.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now