Family and worrying

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A/n: There's gonna be quite a few short but new in POVs this part

Freya POV

Me, Kol, Rebekah, Davina, and Marcel where in Kol's car one the way to Mystic falls to see our niece Keelin couldn't come because she needed to look after the crescents since Hayley died she took over (a/nJust pretend that Baby Nik doesn't exist if you want I can add him in at some point tho). We were all really worried about Hope because it was Elijah's and Klaus' death date a few days ago and a week before that it was Hayley's. She wasn't really talking to her much and when I astral projected she didn't seem okay. She hadn't really opened up to us since their death. It still hurt us all immensely but we had grieved and slowly realised why they did it. But Hope never seemed to feel better about it. So the day before we decided we were going to go down to mystic falls to be with her as a family.

As we were on the road we called Alaric realising we needed to tell him do prep us some rooms for us to stay. He thought it was a good idea to come down because Hope had been really distant from everyone and we all felt horrible we weren't there for her as much when she needed us.

"I hope my favourite niece is doing okay she didn't even send a reply back when Davina sent her a note a few days ago" Kol spoke up out of the silence most of the ride we were really quiet thinking about what we were going to do and worrying about her "Are you sure we should have come without telling her we all know how much she hates surprises" "Rebekah don't worry to much she'll be happy to see us the last time we saw her it was over a year ago" Marcel reassured her.

The rest of the ride we didn't talk apart from Kol and Rebekah picking on each other and nearly starting a fight a few times. We were all trying to keep positive thoughts considering everything that had happened in our lives,

Kol's POV

After hours of Freya driving like an old lady I understand she was the oldest sister but she could have sped up a bit I want to see my niece. I was really worried about Hope because I know she was really affected by Her parent's death and I understand what it feels like when you lose someone you love from when Davina died but fortunately for me I get her back but no such luck for Hope.

(a/n shhh ik I got side tracked) We got to the Salvatore Boarding school and Freya almost crashed into a tree from excitement on seeing Hope we ran into the School and told Alaric we were there knowing him he's probably worried we're gonna burn the school down. When we were nearly at Hope's Room I smelt blood and whimpering "Marcel ,Bex can you smell and hear that" "That sounds like crying and I know that's blood" He replied making the rest of the group stop we looked at each other and started running through the hallway and smashed Open Hope's door. She wasn't in there but the bathroom was locked "I think she's in the bathroom"I heard shuffling and something drop in what I think was the bin."Do you think she's ok" Rebekah said loudly "SHH wolf hearing" we all whisper shouted back at her.Then the door opened.


Hope's POV

I could hear my families voice and was shocked 'what the hell are they doing here'. I unlocked the door and walked out and they all had worried faces. I was confused and then they all ran over to me and hugged me I nearly fell over from the impact but was still confused on why they were here. "Air....can't breathe" I gasped for oxygen as they let go of me.

I looked at them viewing there still worried emotions "Ummm....Hey guys what the Fu..fruit punch are you doing here" Kol walked over to me giving me a high five "We came to see our favourite niece and nice save" Favourite niece yeah as if one who would want me when they have baby Nik are they stupid there just being nice" Are you okay you haven't talked to us recently" I hadn't spoken for a minute because I was to much in my head so Freya must have been concerned. "O uh yeah everything's fine just been busy with homework and all" I kept trying to make it seem like it was okay but seeing them just remined me of my parents and Uncle Elijah not being here.

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