Turn it off

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I have no idea if I mentioned this before but Keelin is in the compound and with Freya

Klaus's POV

The rest of the night we were all trying to figure out a way to talk to Hope but when Davina, Keelin and Marcel came down we had to stop talking about it. It wasn't that we didn't trust them it was that for now we wanted to keep it between us not knowing how they would react.

Hope's POV

Since I came upstairs from feeding everything felt of no-one was talking much and my mind was racing through everything that had happened today. I could see myself feeding on someone like I was watching myself but it didn't look like me it was a monster. I started to sob in the corner of the bed hating everything about myself knowing no-one cared about me. Everyone would hate me more then they already do if they found out what I was doing.

I heard noises and shouting from downstairs making me panic immediately like they knew something about me I started to hyperventilate to many things where happening I hadn't felt this way in a long time the air was being pushed out my lungs and like there was something sitting on my chest.

I felt arms wrap around me and I could suddenly breath again but everything was blurry around me but I could still hear the voices but not recognise them. Black was creeping up the edges of my eyes as I went limp into whoever's arms where around me.

Josie's POV

I woke up late In the morning to find my sister gone and assumed she was downstairs I slowly walked down the stairs to see everybody awkwardly sitting and not doing anything. "Hey what's going on" Lizzie jumped up and hugged me, "Oh thank god everyone was sitting awkwardly and not saying anything and dads gone into town to get some shopping because apparently they're out but it's probably he didn't want to sit in this awkwardness" I looked around noticing Hope wasn't downstairs and started to worry where she was, recently she had been really out of it and constantly looked stressed out I couldn't tell if the others had seen the look in her eyes but I knew she needed someone.

"Okay so we're going out for some spell ingredients" Lizzie said next to Davina who was now standing up to walk out of the compound.

After they left the ground started to shake knocking things of walls tables and making a large crack in one side of the floor. We all looked at each other panicked and Klaus and Hayley ran up the stairs shouting to each other but I couldn't catch what they where saying over the rumble of the earth. I connected the dots realising this was about Hope and ran upstairs to her room with the rest of the Mikaelsons behind me and Hayley and Klaus already in her room.

She was hyperventilating in the corner of the bed and had a circle of blue around her. I stared at everyone and how they weren't doing anything I shouted to close making him jump and run over to her

Klaus's POV

I was shocked when I walked into Hope's room everything was illuminated blue because of the ring around her. After Josie shouted at me to do something I ran over to Hope wrapping my arms around her. The ground quickly stopped shaking and the blue circle was gone but hope was still breathing heavily. I knew she was having a rough time but the things she was doing must be having an affect on her. I looked to Hayley in questioning and she sat next to me also wrapping her arms around Hope. At that moment I felt Hope go limp in my arms and stocked her back knowing she needed the sleep.

Everyone left and I put Hope under the covers and left the room with the rest by now everyone knew something was wrong and where asking questions as Freya went and fixed the crack in the floor downstairs. I told everyone not to worry the people who didn't know where giving me annoyed looks, and walked of apart from Josie who stood there against the wall staring at me. "If ANYTHING happens to her because she didn't tell us it's you fault" With that she walked away leaving me in shock, most people didn't have the courage to say something like that to me It was refreshing but aggravated my very soul I'm not going to let anything happen to Hope, I died for her and I sure as hell am not going to let anything else happen to her that can break her more then she's already been broken.

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