First Day

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Josie's POV

Today was the day we were going back to school to classes, yesterday we finished unpacking all our stuff and we all had a movie night in our pj's. Dad had also organised the me and Hope would now have vampire classes aswell. I was really nervous for the all the whispers and the stairs as for why I was gone for so long and also how I was now a vampire, Lizzie had already twin promised that if anyone said anything she would set them on fire and Hope is protective so she would probably throw them out the window.

The day started with all of us in Hope's room since we had fell asleep talking in there last night. "Beep Beep" I heard in my ear but ignored it wanting to stay in bed, the sound the of the door crashing open followed a few seconds later but still none of us where moving, the next second I felt a bucket of freezing cold water get dumped on my half awake body making me jump up and scream as the same time Hope and Lizzie did also getting bucket of water poured on them.

We were now there standing their shivering sending daggers to Rebekah, Kol and Klaus which held empty buckets in their hand. Hope stared Kol straight in the eye him being the one who put water on her and mouthed 'run'. This made Kol's eyes widen and vamp out of their Hope doing the same thing, there was a crash from down stairs and we all ran to it see Kol backed up against the wall, terrified look on his face with a table broken next to him and Hope holding a wooden knife shaped thing. After a few second's I realised it was a white oak dagger and that was why Kol was so scared.

"Hope put the dagger down before you scare your uncle even more then you already have and all of you go get dressed you need to get to school" Hayley said making Hope roll her eyes and throw the dagger in the direction of Klaus expecting him to catch it because of his reflexes. Unfortunately he did not realise since he was checking out my mum 'ugghh' so the dagger went straight into his chest making him grunt. "Sorry old man thought you would be able to catch it but you were to busy checking out Caroline" Hope said than ran not wanting a reply from Klaus. As soon as those words left Hope's mouth Mom and Klaus started to go red making me want to vomit.

I went to Hope's room figuring out she was there but when I opened the door she was no were to be seen. I went to me and Lizzie's room concerned abut where Hope was, I opened the door not really paying attention to the scene in front of me "Hey Liz where is Hope" I looked up and they where both running around like idiots in there pants and bra's "What the hell shut the door we don't want any of Hope's family seeing us like this" I blinked a few times and closed the door still confused "So what in the hell are you doing" They both where walking in the direction of a pile of clothes and stopped and stared at me like I was an idiot "We're deciding what we're going to wear to school and so should you so start looking" I just sighed and walked in to my wardrobe pulling out the thing I had already decided to wear yesterday. It was a blue romper that almost looked like it was denim but was not (I'm terrible at describing clothes but all the outfit are at the top)

I walked out with the outfit in my hand and they both looked at me surprised "H-h-how" Lizzie stuttered not even being able to form a coherent sentence. "I chose it out yesterday like I told you two to do" Hope shrugged and pulled out a pair of jeans a maroon under top and a blue of the shoulder top and walked in to the bathroom.

Eventually Lizzie found an outfit it was some red checked trouser and a black cropped sweatshirt she quickly put them on and I did the same. By the time we had to leave we where already to go, Me and Hope vamped downstairs to get a few bags of Human blood so we didn't have to have the animal one from the school. We shoved them in our bag and headed towards the door which Lizzie was waiting for us. "I'll drive us so we don't hit anything or anyone" I said the last bit glaring at Lizzie she just shrugged and walked towards my uncles old car.

I got in the front seat and heard Hope open the passenger seat quickly vamp speeding so she got there before Lizzie making her get a glare. "Just hurry up and get in the car Liz" She rolled her eyes and jumped into the back and we sped of to school.

We were in there in the next 10 minutes and Dad was waiting for us at the front with a smile. "Hi Dr Saltzman" "Hi Dad" Was said as me and Lizzie went to give him a hug while Hope gave him a smile. "I'm sorry to ask you 2 to do this but there is a new girl coming to look around the school today during lunch would you mind showing her around" I smiled and agreed while Lizzie just nodded saying she would be there. "Dad we got to get to class or we'll miss it bye love you" I said running to catch up with Hope "Love you" I heard my Dad call out to Lizzie and me as we walked away.

Hope's POV

I had an unsure feeling about the person Josie and Lizzie where going to show around today I didn't want to be the overprotective girlfriend but I wanted to make sure nothing was up with her. Me and Jo split of from Liz since we had vamp class first and it was on the other side of the school. I held Josie's hand as we walked through the corridors people whispering and already making rumours, we gave reassuring smiles to each other and kept walking like we couldn't hear it. Once we finally got the classroom MG and Kaleb where waiting outside for us with big smiles "It's going to be so much fun with you two in our class now" MG said practically bouncing.

We walked in and straight to the back really not wanting a bunch of attention but it still didn't help since people where still sending us looks from glares to just confused. The teacher walked in and the tortures classes began. 2 hours later the bell ran and everyone vamped out of class room towards the lunch hall whilst we headed towards the front entrance for the new arrivals. When we got there Lizzie and Dr Saltzman where already there but the 'guest wasn't'. "Hey Hope can I talk to you in my office" I looked nervously over to Josie checking if it was okay still having a queasy feeling about the arrival but when she sent me a happy smile I followed him to his office.

Once we where inside it he sat down on his office chair and poured himself a glass of bourbon. "So with everything that went on last year.." He said making me flinch with the memories and thoughts "I'm just making sure-" Before he could finish I cut him of "I'm okay seriously don't worry it's all in the past and I've got everything I could ever wish for now" He nodded and slipped into his mind thinking "I know but you are all supernatural there could always be another enemy or monster that you are the only ones that can fight and I don't want the pressure pilling on you like before if there is ever anything wrong I don't care what it is tell me" I nodded giving him a bright smile happy I had a second father figure. "

"I do have one thing to ask" He nodded now frowning obviously jumping to the worst conclusion "Who is the new person" He let out a sigh of relief and picked up a file and looked through it "She's quite and old vampire but has never learnt to control her impulses and has always acted very childish and she wants to learn control" That made me tense not wanting an out of hinge vampire near the people I care about "Don't worry Hope I have already had a talk with her parents and she has learnt the most she can by herself" I raised my eye at the word parents "Well there people that look after her but also know that she's a vampire" I was slightly suspicious about that but tried to ignore it anyway. "Hope I know you may want to go to Josie now and make sure everything is okay but go have some food and don't stress about it you have been saving the school for the last 2 years you can take a break" I gave a wide smile and a thankyou and walked out the office deciding to take his advice and head towards the cafeteria.




HI this is part 43 I'm sorry for the very long gap it's my summer holiday and I have been doing a lot and the only reason I have had time to write this is because I started at 3am since I really wanted to give you some sort of chapter and I will be updating more from on wards since I am less busy for the rest of the holiday. I hoped you enjoyed this and leave a comment for any ideas of things to.

Thankyou so much for 7k views I am mind blown from how many people are reading and I thankyou all so much and I love anyone of you who reads my story.

I also thankyou to a new followed I have @lulu_asf I have read your Hosie book and it is amazing so everyone so read their book and follow them thankyou so much for reading this story and following me because if it

Love you all bye ^_^

( 26/08/2021 1755 words )

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