No idea what to call this

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(This is basically just a filler of planning on how to kill aurora and honestly as I'm writing this I have no idea how I'm going to right this or even what the plane is but I hope you enjoy this part also most of the this part is probably going to be in 3rd person)


3rd Person POV

Silence ran through the compound since Josie stopped talking un sure what to say and instead just ran her hands through hopes hair trying to think of some ideas

Everyone was unsure of what to do clearly no-one had an idea. The girls thought that by the time they talked to the "adults" Hope would be awake and have a few thoughts on what to do at least. "So you don't have a plan" Kol said not trying to hide the annoyance in his voice. Me and Lizzie glanced at each other, by slightly shrugging and nodding. Kol just sighed and slumped down into the sofa next to Rebekah.

"It should be quite easy to kill her since she's just a vampire and we're a whole group of originals, powerful witches and strong vampires" Lizzie said clearly unaware of the past events of what happened with aurora.

"Well there's a lot that vampire did considering she was psychotically in love with Klaus and then got mad that He was in love with someone else" Rebekah said while Klaus just rolled his eyes. Josie had been caught up by Hope on all of her fathers big enemies so she knew most the ins an outs of what happened with Aurora or all that her family had told her.

Josie began to space out but while that was happening The Mikaelsons explained what happened between them and Aurora and why she detested them. By the time Lizzie had been told the story she'd gone quiet her eyes furrowed in the thought. "But the last time she fought you she had her brother, that Luke dude and Elijah's groupies".

"She had a fair point Klaus" Freya said the different plans of how to take down Aurora through her head, when one thought stuck out it wasn't an idea it was a disadvantage to them but for some reason no-one had thought about it. "But how did she get out of the spell I put on her anyway it wouldn't have worn of so someone must be on her side" Not even a moment later the whole compound burst out into shouts of ideas and conversations.

Hope began to stir from all the noise around her making Josie annoyed since she needed to rest. "Everyone be quiet" Josie said loudly but it wasn't loud enough for anyone to take enough notice of what was happening. Hope's eyes fluttered open and started to dart side to side confused of why there was an argument going on. Unluckily Josie wasn't looking at Hope in the moment since she was trying to get the others to shut up before she woke up meaning Josie didn't know she was awake yet.

The fact that no-one was listening to Josie telling them to be quiet made Hope's anger rise also making her eyes go to a slightly yellow tint, she yelled out for everyone to shut the hell up and sat up slightly causing the commotion to stop and everyone to look at her only now noticing she was awake and mad. "Now that I have your attention which is what Josie had been trying to do the for the last few minutes would you mind listening to her". Freya quietly apologised to Hope and the rest followed on. Once everyone had gone silent Hope put her head back on Josie's lap and looked up at her encouraging her to speak her mind.

"Well umm I was trying to get your attention because Hope was starting to wake up and she needs rest but that's a bit to late now so we might aswell explain to her what's happening" Josie said nervously with a scared smile on her face

"Thankyou love I'm perfectly fine just tired from Lizzie stupidness earlier" Hope said, her anger now simmering down also showing how drained she really was. No-one in the room believed that she was fine but understood how sisters could annoy each other. "So what's happening that's getting everyone so riled up. We all just looked at each other not really sure if we should tell Hope or not, she wasn't feeling good and had been really tired. Klaus sighed and knew he was just going to have to tell her anyway.

"We're just thinking of ways to kill aurora and also realised she probably has people to help her since she got out of Freya's spell".

Hope's POV

I was unsure of what to do I felt like I was letting everyone down I always knew what to do in these situations but I didn't, it also didn't help that my energy had kept depleting over the last few days. Before today I hadn't shown any signs to worry anyone but I didn't know what was happening. Every time I tried to think of a plan or concentrate on anything at all my mind went foggy and exhausted me out. I looked at the people in the compound who tried not to act like they were depending on me for an idea but it was clear they didn't know what to do either.

"I'm sorry guys I really don't know what to do we have to at least start by figuring out where she stays and where the people that helps her stays" Freya nodded and walked into a large carboard that was dedicated to most of the supplies for tracking spells and a few herbs. After a few minutes of draws opening and different things closing she walked out with a map some blood and herbs.

"The map is a full view of mystic falls, the herbs just help us concentrate and have a few tracking components in and the blood is aurora's that I kept just in case an emergency like this ever came up when it gets dark we should do a location spell to see where she is only 2 possibly 3 of us go to where it is and check how many people are there an come straight back without trying to interfere" We all just nodded understanding the importance.

I went to get up but Josie just held me in her arms "Hope I don't think it's a good idea if you use up more of your energy none of this is too important we're just going to be setting up for the spell, please just rest if you are actually feeling better by the time we do the spell of need to go I promise you can come but for now please go up to bed" She whispered in my ear I wanted to protests but I didn't want to make her worry.

"Jo seriously I am fine" I spoke trying to sound as energetic as usual, Josie just gave me the look telling me she knew I wasn't. "Ok at least let me lye on the couch so I you guys need me I'm right here".

"Yeah okay but please rest and don't worry" Josie said and gave me a kiss on the head and removing herself from the couch.

3rd person POV

Hope just silently watched Josie as she pulled Lizzie along getting her to help Freya set up for the spell. Hope's eyelids grew heavier and heavier no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't keep them open so eventually she slipped from consciousness.

Once Josie stopped for a second to check on Hope, she saw that Hope was asleep and smiles openly happy that she was actually resting instead of fighting all the battles.



Small spoilers in the a/n



Part 49 done I know it's a short chapter and also not a very good one the next one will come out at some point next week so I hope to up date every week starting now but I can't promise that but I will try to as much as possible. Recently my ideas for this story have been running a little dry but every time I get one I do add it to the story. Seriously if anyone once to give me any ideas or even wants to collaborate on a certain part please comment and I will be happy to do so. I hope everyone had a good Christmas and a happy new year also opinion on Kaylee Bryant leaving legacies aswell.

Love you all bye ^_^

(10/01/2022 1456 words)

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