Back to mystic falls

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Lizzie's POV

Mom and Dad woke me early in the morning since we had to start going back to Mystic Falls. I rubbed my eyes and literally rolled out of bed making a loud bang as thumped on to the floor. "Jesus Lizzie just get up you can go to sleep again when you get in the car" Mom said since Dad had already left.

I walked down stairs to see a half asleep Josie and Hope curled up on the sofa waiting for the bags to be put into the mini van. Most people were dressed and ready but me and the other teens where in pyjamas and so where Rebekah and Kol they were on another sofa barley awake but somehow still awake.

As I was about to sit down Klaus, Freya, Hayley and Elijah came in. "OK everyone start loading into the car" Klaus screamed making everyone's eyes widen feeling more awake. Josie stood up while Hope just lay there making me laugh as the big bad tribrid was practically purring in her sleep. "Josie don't wake her up let me do it" I said walking closer to Hope and Josie eyes me suspiciously "Wake the fuck up Tribrid whore" I screamed in her ear making her jump and scream back "Lizzie you fucking gob shit" Everyone when quiet staring at us in confusion and few in anger. "Lizzie I got snacks and I'm not giving you any now" I stared at her like I was about to kill Hope.

Josie's POV

Hope smirked and Lizzie ran towards Hope about to throw herself at her and Hope raised her hand freezing Lizzie in mid air. Hope looked around and walked out the door her snacks in hand, I was nearly bursting of laughter but had to keep it in "Can you unfreeze my sister" I heard a mutter and Lizzie felt to the floor with a crash. She looked around in confusion then realised what happened "That bitch" She whispered making Klaus growl. I rolled my eyes and pulled Lizzie up dragging her outside.

"Hello love" Hope said and gave a fake smile to Lizzie and a adorable one to me. "Kill me now" Lizzie said, after that I saw a plan in Hope's eyes making them gleam devilishly. She looked around making me think she didn't want parents to be there. Next she pushed Lizzie out the way and lent be against the car capturing my lips with hers. I kissed back immediately both of us forgetting what we were doing accidently turning it into a 5 minute make out.

We were interrupted by a cough and I saw Klaus there making me hide behind Hope sheepishly. "Are you trying to mortify your family" Klaus said with anger and a tiny bit of jokiness in his voice "No just Lizzie but I forgot what I was doing after a few seconds" Hope said making me bend shorter not wanting to face Hope's father. Klaus looked to the side of us and saw a horrified lizzie. "Never again" She whispered and opened the door stepping in "Does anyone have bleach I need to use it for my eyes" Lizzie said before closing the door.

Hope pulled me forward making me face to face with Klaus I smiled nervously and he raised his eyebrow and smirked glowing his eyes. I turned to Hope and she just smiled at me sympathetically "Dad can she stop trying to scare my girlfriend" Hope then but on a mocking voice and said "Also you wouldn't want to ruin your reputation with her Mom" Klaus glared at Hope and she just quirked the corner of her mouth knowing what Mom did to Klaus. Klaus just stood there saying nothing so Hope dragged me inside the car shutting the door so he couldn't say anything more.

Hope's POV

Once we were in the van I looked to see Lizzie eating a bag of Crips, I looked at what kind they were and realised they were my Crisps. "WHAT THE HELL LIZZIE" I said snatching them away from her looking into the bag to see there were barley any left. Josie looked in the packet but had a different emotion on her face "and how the hell did you eat a family sized back of Doritos that fast" Lizzie looked at me trying to look all innocent and shrugged then tipped the remainder of the bag, I huffed and slumped into my seat annoyed my favourite flavour of Doritos had been open.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now