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By the way I don't think Hayley's idea would actually work in the originals but I didn't know what else I could do

Caroline's POV (I know new)

Alaric was screaming at us about god knows what I wasn't paying attention this happened a lot after I had been looking after the school. "So what happened Ric ?" "Why has the gym been blown up" Klaus scoffed in amusement nearly making me die of embarrassment, I may be older in years and knowledge but whenever he was around he made me feel like a teenager. "O yeah so some witches got mad at some wolves and decided to blow up where the wolves hang out, when I left I did tell them to clean it up" He sighed "Anyway Ric please don't be mad" I said and Klaus snatched the phone from me taking over. "So your daughter now has no humanity bye talk later" and hang up. I stared at him astonished "What he can't kill me" I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"So what are we going to do to find them" Lizzie asked tear stains on her cheeks from crying since she was worried about her sister. "Well me and Davina are going to have a on going locater spell so if at any point there is a break in there cloaking spell it will show the location" Freya said walking out with Davina not bothering to be polite. "Well she have Mikaelson manners" Rebekah nodded. "Hayley do you want to go to the bayou and try and track her down by sent or should I" Klaus said now fully involved in helping. "I'll do it Klaus but try not to make out with your daughter's girlfriend mother" I gasped not knowing Josie and Hope where together apparently they told me everything but that. "Oh yeah so Josette and Hope are dating" Klaus said as Hayley walked out the room "Well I'm going to help Freya and Davina" Lizzie said heading in there direction.

A fairly attractive mad walked over to me looking me up and down and then went to talk to Klaus "So apparently we both have a thing for blondes" this made me shocked that the fact that Klaus had seen someone seriously "Uh yeah ok shut up Marcel". "Ok so instead of this awkwardness I'm going to the pack and make sure everything is ok if you need me ask Freya to call me" A woman walked out of the house. "Ok so why don't I know all these people" I questioned realising Hope had been at the school for ages and I'd never seen these guys but I was never there so how could I.


Rebekah, Elijah, Kol and what I now found out was Marcel where laughing on a sofa whispering so softly even my vamp hearing didn't catch it. "Can you guys shut up and actually do something" Kol rolled his eyes and nudged Rebekah "Like your doing anything apart from you 2 staring at each other longingly knowing you can't be together because your daughter's are in love" My cheeks lit up immediately at Kol's words. I got up heading to the only place in the house I knew, the kitchen, only because of people walking in and out there with food. I took a blood bag out of the fridge and settled in here with the silence instead of the awkwardness with Klaus

Hayley's POV

I had been running around the bayou for house trying to stay as far away from the cabin as possible because that's where the pack usually hang out in human form and if they were in wolf form they would sit along side the lake or run the lake side of the bayou. There was no trace of Hope's sent anywhere because even if she hadn't come here recently there should be some sent left over from when she was here. She must have cloaked her sent as well as soon as I realised what we needed to do, I knew what to do to get Hope back. I bit into the side of my shoulder making it bleed onto the ground, I quickly transitioned and used a bottle, Freya had given me in case I had any proof of where Hope would be, and used it to scoop a tiny bit of my blood that was still lying on the surface of the mud. I just needed to know if the spell was possible.

After getting dressed I headed back to the compound not hearing any sound apart from quiet talking and music being played that was most probably from Lizzie's room. When I walked in Marcel and Klaus where having a debate as to weather or not they could do anything to help. "Well even if there was your to late I've got an Idea" They snorted and went back to debating about another pointless thing as Rebekah, Elijah and Kol watched amused and Kol adding in a few comments to get them even more riled up. "Where's Freya" Kol looked at me oblivious but Elijah some how knew "She went to the bell tower with the other 2"

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