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Omg thankyou so much for 2k it means so much to me and I cant believe its only been less then 2 months and I'm at 2k I'm so surprised it's happened and I'm also really thankful.

I know I haven't updated recently and I am really sorry about that but I have been going though a lot of personal problems as well as stressing about exams and doing revision as well a seeing family and having to spend time with them so I haven't had time to work on the story by next week I'll have a new update and will try and make it long.

Any ideas for things I could do to add to the story or make it better I have ideas but I don't know if I actually want to put them this early in the story.

Again thankyou to every single person who is following added this to your library or just read one part it's literally amazing and I didn't expect to get this far because when I first started it I was just bored and really wanted to right a Hosie fanfic but it ended up being something that people enjoyed I hope people continue to read it

Love you all ^_^

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now