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Third Person POV

Hope screamed and started fighting everything around her the room starting to violently shake as the unconscious tribrid dreamed. The windows smashed cabinets dropped but everyone was beside Hope trying to help her. Hope let out another pulse of blue magic hitting areas around for miles.

Josie screamed Hope's name as she rested her head on Hope's stomach holding her hand just wanting Hope to wake up and be fine. After a few minutes of this is started to slowly stop and as that happened Hope began to stir. Josie inhaled sharply and Hope eye's flickered open.

"I don't care right now if you care about her move out the way she needs space and I need to check if she's okay" Bonnie said rushing over to Hope, before Bonnie could reach her Hope was gone speeding of to the other side of the room.

Josie looked into Hope's eyes and saw the fear and panic going through her brain. "I'm so sorry" Hope whispered her back sliding down the wall where there was now a dent from Hope's magic.

Everyone looked at each other confused but Josie just rushed over to Hope. The long strands of Auburn hair tumbling down her knees as she pulled them up to her chest and started to weep. Josie took Hope's hands and tried to pull her closer but Hope quickly withdrew her hands. "Why" she said looking up at all of us. "Just Leave me alone I'm sorry I know, I know" Hope said despair running through her eyes just as fast as the tears fell down form her eyes.

"Hope Honey what are you talking about" Hayley said in a quiet and motherly voice to not scare Hope or startle her.

"I killed you its my fault all of this is my fault" Hope said and kept repeating it at first telling everyone else but eventually just saying it to herself as she rocked back and forth.

"Hope what do you mean nothing is your fault Aurora coming back was no where near you fault sweety" Hayley said still edging closer and trying to sit next to her daughter but failed when Hope just ran to the other side of the room repeating the same thing and sliding her back down the wall. The only thing that was going through her mind was her families disappointed words. Josie's words telling her that it was her fault as she remembered their dead bodies on the floor.

Hayley looked at her daughter distraught at her current state not being sure what to do. No-one knew what to do, and Hope kept on crying more.

"I know I'm a mistake to the Mikaelson name don't try to trick me" Hope trying to yell but the tears and her sniffles stifling her. Bonnie and Freya began to look at each other and walked into another room to talk.

In the room

"This is the dreams I was talking about, while she was unconscious all her worst fears where happening that's why the spell that has been done on her is usually only done for torture" Bonnie said quietly trying not to catch the attention of any of the vampires outside of the room.

"That means we need to finish the potion now so that she can't fall asleep again" Freya said opening all the cabinets and staring at Bonnie when she didn't follow pursuit. "You need to help please" Freya begged. Bonnie would have laughed if it wasn't int his situation, she had a Mikaelson begging for her help.

Back to the living room

Klaus made his way over to the still hyperventilating Hope after over hearing Bonnie and Freya's conversation now having a good idea of what was going on in Hope's brain. His littlest wolf had always thoughts she was a mistake, a killer, a monster, shame to the Mikaelson family no matter who told her other wise. "Hope it's me your Father your family is here we're all alive and safe you haven't done anything wrong.

Klaus' POV

As I said this I put one arm on her back sliding down on to the floor next to her and cradling her in a hug. She looked up to me all most pleading it was true. "I'm here Hope we're all here for you Hope we all love you and care for you".

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now