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Klaus' POV

The second I heard the description of the girl I knew who It was instantly my face fell and so did the rest of the family. Everyone went silent in shock while Caroline and the girls just looked confused, someone finally said something.

"We know who she is" Hayley said her face in a downturned formation showing she was just as upset and scared as the rest of us.

"Who" Caroline said still confused, her face started to turn anxious once she looked at our faces and realised how serious it was. I looked down at the floor hating that this was happening but I knew I had to explain.

"An old "friend" of Klaus'" Kol said trying to cheer up the mood with his sarcastic remarks but it just made all of us glare at him.

"Aurora was my ex girlfriend you could say the first person Rebekah ever turned even if it wasn't willingly, she has a brother trapped in the serratura in the bottom of the ocean. A thousand years ago we had to compel her, her brother and a actual old friend of mine to believe they were us to distract Mikael when he was looking for us and we were on the run, lets just say they were pissed and wanted revenge. They tried to kill all of us and Lucien the old friend created a serum which is how marcel is so strong but that's another story we killed Lucien trapped Tristian and Freya put Aurora in a sleep spell in our basement and I guess she woke up and is seeking revenge" I sort of blurted it out like it was no deal but Caroline, Lizzie and Josie eye's where open in shock and Hope's just looked confused.

"Dad you told me this story before but you left out the part were she was in our basement" Hope said with annoyance in her voice I just shrugged and looked to the others.

"Now what are we going to do" Kol said, I looked at everyone and they just looked unsure. "We should probably get Davina down here shouldn't we" He said with a slight Joy in his voice I just nodded at him and he vamped of I assume to call her.

"Can't you just put her in another sleep spell" Lizzie said still looking shocked but now had a unsure tone in her voice. I looked over to Freya having know idea what to say because she was the witchy one and I didn't know how to explain.

"In theory yes but we tried that many times but we have to get her vulnerable first and she's already guarded and clearly has a witch on her side since she got out without anyone at the compound realising or the warnings going off, she also has a motive her brother is dead in the bottom of the ocean since as soon as Elijah died he did to" Freya said stopping to think about what she was going to do.

"She doesn't know that we actually know who she is" Hope said making me worry about what dangerous plan she was thinking up her, Lizzie and Josie shared a look making the rest of us look at each other in confusion. Hope walked out the room towards the back door dragging the other two along with her. We rushed out behind her but Lizzie already had a smile on her face which meant she already had a great but dangerous plan.

"Hope what did you say to them" Bex said raising one of her eyebrows in fear and slight amusement. Hope just smirked and said nothing giving of that Mikaelson attitude.

"Why did she have to be so much like you guys" Hayley said to me giving me a glare and slightly smiling at it aswell, she turned back to Hope giving her the what I had learned to be the typical Mom glare which means 'tell me everything or you in trouble'.

Lizzie's POV

I saw Hayley give Hope the look and knew she was about to spill everything. "Silencio" I said just as Hope opened my mouth she gave me a glare. "Don't look at me like that little lady you were about to go telling them everything what they don't know wont kill them and you know they will just stop us" She slumped her shoulders and gave me the finger and then looked at Josie in hope (haha pun)

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now