73- Birthday Blues

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Hello, all you beautiful and lovely readers~♡ I hope you all are well~♡ I'm always so excited for update days because I love seeing people enjoy the stories I write~♡ I hope this doesn't seem rushed in any way so far because sometimes I feel like I am rushing it.🤣😂 So please just let me know if it does seem that way~♡ For this chapter, we have nothing that is too particularly triggering, but please remain advised when reading because you never know what chapter will change that.😂🤣 Without further ado, please enjoy the next installment~♡


Taehyung woke up the next morning, his entire body sore and unable to speak from the previous night. He peeked over towards the bay windows to discover that Jungkook wasn't in bed next to him. With tremendous effort, Taehyung pushed himself into a sitting position, wondering if he'd passed out during their tryst. He recalled touching exultation, but couldn't remember experiencing all of it. He wondered if it had become too much for him and whether he may have blacked out shortly after entering that euphoric state.

He sighed heavily at himself and pushed the blankets aside to stand to his feet. As he climbed out of the bed to his feet, he wobbled dangerously and slammed into a strong chest whose arms encircled him promptly. "What are you doing out of bed, Tae?" Jungkook asked in concern, hastily lifting Taehyung off his feet. Taehyung stared at Jungkook for several moments, blinking rapidly as he tried to fathom an appropriate answer. "I- I w- was look-" Taehyung was cut off by his voice cracking miserably as he flushed at the awkwardness of his own voice.

Jungkook chuckled softly, gently placing Taehyung back onto the bed before tapping his index finger to Taehyung's lips. "Your voice sounds so hoarse, baby. Why not save it and use a pen and paper for now?" Jungkook suggested softly, walking over towards Taehyung's desk and grabbing a notebook and a pen. He handed them over to Taehyung as the elder stared up at Jungkook before readily scribbling something onto the page. "You were looking for me?" Jungkook asked, repeating Taehyung's words out loud. "I was only in the bathroom, love. I wouldn't go anywhere," Jungkook whispered sensually against Taehyung's lips before kissing him tenderly.

Taehyung scribbled something else as Jungkook titled his head to read it. "I'm not lying to you, baby. I was in the bathroom," Jungkook insisted as Taehyung squinted his eyes up at Jungkook and scribbled something else. "I came from the other direction? Baby..." Jungkook sighed heavily and trailed off, realizing Taehyung comprehended his room better than that, even when he wasn't feeling up to par. "Fine. I was helping your mother and the maids decorate for your upcoming birthday, but it's supposed to be a surprise," Jungkook answered, groaning softly for having told Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled, letting out a choked laugh as he finally heard his own voice and slapped his hands over his mouth. Jungkook laughed this time as he moved Taehyung's hands and pressed a kiss upon Taehyung's lips tenderly once again. "Your laugh is still cute, even when it's strained," Jungkook reassured as Taehyung froze for a moment. He thought for a moment before scribbling down his thought onto the page as Jungkook stared at it. "My birthday? We never actually exchanged when our birthdays were, baby. It was when I could care less what we were to each other... Although I did find out about your birthday from your parents, so I guess I could share mine... Or I could make you guess," Jungkook teased playfully as Taehyung stared up at Jungkook with an unamused expression. Jungkook laughed at Taehyung's expression before patting Taehyung's thigh. "It was a joke, baby. My birthday is September 1st," Jungkook confessed as Taehyung's eyes widened and he fiercely wrote something down on the paper.

"We didn't celebrate my birthday? I'm certain we did, baby," Jungkook reassured yet again, trying to think back that far. "I mean, I had already been detained shortly after summer break began and was on trial shortly after summer break ended. I met you that first day there, so I'm pretty sure we may have gotten high and fucked somewhere around the time of my birthday, so I'm not really complaining," Jungkook noted nonchalantly, shrugging indifferently as Taehyung's shoulders drooped in defeat. Jungkook chuckled once again before playfully ruffling Taehyung's hair and leaning down to kiss him once again. "If it means that much to you, we can exchange gifts on your birthday so that you get your gift from me and you can give me a gift too. If you want," Jungkook compromised as Taehyung's eyes lit up and he nodded his head vigorously.

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