35- Problems Abound

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Hello, everyone who reads this~♡ I hope that you know you're loved every day and needed in this world~♡ Please forgive the tardiness of this chapter as I have been under the weather today~♡ There isn't really anything that triggering in this chapter, but please remain advised when reading~♡ Please let me know what you all think so far~♡ That would be lovely.:3 Either way, without further ado, the next chapter for you guys~♡ Please enjoy~♡♡♡


Jungkook trudged back to his dorm room, not really ready to face Hoseok after ditching the rest of his classes today. He was at least attending his anger management class. That was the most important one anyway. That would be the class to get him out of here.

He opened the door to his dorm room to see it completely empty and sighed with relief. Thank god for Yoongi and Hoseok being inseparable. Jungkook shut the door and trudged over towards his bed, face planting into the mattress. He didn't care that he was still wearing his clothes or his shoes as he silently drifted off to sleep yet again.


Jungkook thought he was going to sleep well with as exhausted as he'd felt the previous night. Although, that was only wishful thinking as he pushed himself up off the mattress before dawn. He groaned loudly as he rolled over onto his back, wondering why he was awake before the sun even came up. Normally when he was that tired, he slept past noon but his body naturally woke him on its own this time.

He slowly sat up as Hoseok finally walked through the door, both of them freezing. "Morning," Jungkook greeted as Hoseok yawned. "Morning? Did you just wake up? I'm just now going to bed," Hoseok stated as he slung his backpack onto the floor in front of his bed. Hoseok flopped onto his bed, kicking his shoes off and rolling over onto his side. Before long, Jungkook could hear Hoseok's even breathing as he stood to his feet. He reeled back once more, catching himself on the post of his bed before turning to change his clothes. After his clothes were changed, Jungkook left the room without another glance behind him.

Jungkook wandered aimlessly down the hallway, wondering if he'd run into anyone. It was pretty early and he didn't want to wake Taehyung if he was still currently sleeping. Taehyung needed all the rest he could get in order to recover and Jungkook wanted him to recover quickly. Not only because Jungkook wanted sex from Taehyung, but also because he had to admit that he was a tad bit worried about his health.

Jungkook coughed roughly before a harsh coughing fit hit him that lasted for several minutes, his ribs beginning to hurt from the force. He groaned softly before resuming on his aimless direction as he surprisingly bumped into someone and lost his balance. A small someone that huffed in irritation and crossed their arms over their chest as Jungkook rubbed his sore butt. When Jungkook glanced up from the ground in anger, he noticed a petite female standing in front of him. He rolled his eyes as both their stares met each other's gaze and her demeanor completely altered. "Jungkook?! It's been so long since I last saw you," she exclaimed, immediately unfolding her arms. She threw them around Jungkook's neck and dropped to her knees between his legs.

"What are you doing here, Jisoo? I didn't think you'd ever get caught doing drugs. You were always so confident about that," Jungkook declared, prying her arms from around his neck as he rolled his eyes. Jisoo bounced pleasantly on her knees before pulling away from Jungkook, playing with the hair that caressed the back of his neck. "Is that any way to speak to your FWB?" she asked, feigning hurt. Jungkook realizing he forgot to inform her about breaking things off with her after he'd got caught.

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