89- Off to a great start

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Hello, all you beautiful people~♡ I hope you all are well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it.:3 We enjoyed quite a bit of foods so I am beyond full as I edit this chapter.😂🤣 I worked on 3 chapters for Wish you were Here as well to work on getting that story back up and updating.🤣😂 Mainly because I'm excited for what's to come in those chapters and I hope that you are too.:3 Which depending on how I feel after work today, I may update that story later as well. But for now, this is the chapter that has been edited for now~♡ This chapter has mention of blood and thoughts of death so please be advised when reading~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy this chapter~♡


The plane ride was short but arduous for Jungkook, nausea crashing over him as he staggered down the boardwalk with Taehyung beside him. Taehyung was beside himself with worry as he watched Jungkook rush for the nearest trash can. He'd had no idea Jungkook's motion sickness was this terrible. Taehyung promptly followed after him with their luggage, rubbing soothing circles along Jungkook's back as he threw up things that he hadn't even eaten.

Taehyung didn't think their honeymoon would be off to such a bad start as this. It hurt him to see Jungkook so miserable and vowed they wouldn't take another plane ride if they didn't have Dramamine with them. It was the only thing that had kept Jungkook from spilling his guts after the last plane ride to North Carolina.

After Jungkook was done expelling everything that he could, he plodded over towards a bathroom to clean himself up. Taehyung decided he'd wait for Jungkook to come back out as he stood diligently by their luggage. Taehyung glanced at his watch to check the time before opening up the itinerary that Jungkook and Taehyung had agreed upon before boarding their flight. They wouldn't be able to check into their cabin for some hours at the moment, but their ride would be arriving any moment now.

Taehyung tilted his head thoughtfully as he tried to figure out what they could do to pass the time before check-in. Feeling as if someone were watching him, Taehyung glanced up thinking it may have been Jungkook trying not to interrupt his train of thought. Although that wasn't the case as he glanced around out of nervousness. When he couldn't see anyone that may seem suspicious, he turned his attention back towards their itinerary. Once his attention was solely focused on that yet again, he felt his arm being jerked back by his luggage handle. The action itself knocked Taehyung off balance as he toppled to the ground, releasing the handle of his baggage.

Taehyung glanced up to see some unknown assailant running off with his luggage, but before he could even get up to chase after them, Jungkook rushed past him in pursuit of them instead. Taehyung hastily stood to his feet and grabbed Jungkook's luggage before darting down the terminal after them. Taehyung felt his lungs burn and knew he shouldn't be running after them, but he didn't want Jungkook to end up hurt over his property. He had to show he was putting in just as much effort to stop this man too. Taehyung was starting to lose steam though, his legs wanting to give out from under him as he chased after his husband, who chased after the man that had stolen from him. He coughed harshly but continued to chase them, wanting to be sure that Jungkook didn't feel he had to defend and protect Taehyung from everything.

Even from the distance as Taehyung scrambled to catch up, Taehyung could see Jungkook tackle their thief relentlessly to the ground. Taehyung heaved a huge sigh of relief as he finally caught up to them, choking back a brutal cough as he grabbed his luggage handle once again. "Thank you, darling," Taehyung stated with a strained voice, that cough he'd tried to restrain breaking free. He coughed and hacked into a tissue he'd pulled out of his jacket pocket, coughing until he could taste blood.

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