78- Conjugal visit

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Hello, all you beautiful and lovely readers~♡ I hope all is well for you all and you're living your best lives~♡ So far in drafts, New Leaf is well into the 90s chapter area.🤣😂 Holy crow, I've never written anything quite this long before but it's an experience.:3 So the picture for this chapter is now their home.:3 We'll get more in-depth with the description of their home in a later chapter.:3 It's going to be interesting to say the least.:3 But without further ado, please enjoy this next installment~♡♡♡


Taehyung placed Gabriel in the back seat as Jimin climbed into the front seat with him. The rest of them just crowding into the back seat with the car seat, Yoongi compelled to sit in Hoseok's lap. Taehyung started the vehicle and drove towards the first tour he'd set up on one of his many applications during their walk to his family's house. With everyone laughing merrily and enjoying each other's company, Taehyung almost forgot that he'd be doing anything by himself for a while.


It had been several days, almost a week since Taehyung had left and Jungkook was already becoming restless. He didn't understand how patient Taehyung had been when he was waiting for someone to take his virginity until now. He could barely focus on the work that was assigned to him from his anger management class. He had picked up on the fact that his roommate was attempting to get into his pants, but he was arduous about ignoring the advances. Even though he was sexually frustrated. He couldn't imagine being intimate with anyone other than Taehyung now.

Jungkook had just managed to finish his assignment when his name was called over the intercom. The announcement stated that he had a visitor and without thinking about anything else, Jungkook bolted up and left the room. He ran down the corridor to the visitor's room, realizing exactly who it was that was coming to see him. He even pushed people out of his way in excitement as he ran down the hallway. The moment he reached his destination, he stopped short just outside the door and peered through the diamond opening to make sure his appearance was more alluring than he'd just run down the hallway. Although the scene that he could discern through the small opening was one that was upsetting to him.

It was Taehyung sitting there, but he already appeared worn and ragged as Jungkook pushed the doors open. Immediately, Taehyung's notorious boxy smile graced his lips as he stood to greet Jungkook. Taehyung ran to the younger and wrapped his arms tightly around Jungkook, burying his face in Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook could hear the elder's sniffles as Jungkook patted his back reassuringly, tears swelling up in his eyes as well. He'd missed Taehyung just as much as Taehyung had missed him. They remained in each other's embrace for several moments before Jungkook pulled away slightly to study Taehyung.

He was dressed in a sleek black suit, a ruffled cream-colored button up shirt, and polished black dress shoes. Jungkook bit his lip as he studied Taehyung's body carefully in that suit, engraving the look in his memory for later before his eyes finally met Taehyung's gaze. "You look amazing, baby boy," Jungkook greeted in a sultry voice as Taehyung flushed brightly. He hadn't been called by that nickname in a long while by Jungkook and it made him a little hot. Taehyung fanned himself with a sheepish smile as Jungkook cupped Taehyung's bony face in his hands. "Baby? Have you been eating properly? You're looking rather fragile again and your palor is... nothing short of concerning," Jungkook commented softly as Taehyung averted his eyes.

"I- I've been trying, I promise," Taehyung answered softly, biting his lip as he still refused to meet Jungkook's eye. "It's just been a little hard keeping up with everything," Taehyung murmured softly, barely audible as Jungkook sighed softly. "I'll get out of here as soon as I can, baby. I know it must be hard for you and very stressful," Jungkook chastised himself, cursing himself for that night that got him sentenced here for a whole year. Jungkook tenderly pecked Taehyung's lips and sat down, beckoning Taehyung to sit next to him. "Tell me everything that's been going on," Jungkook urged eagerly, excited to hear anything about Taehyung and how he's been handling things.

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