46- Catastrophic Endeavour

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Helllllllllllllooooooo everyone that reads and supports this work of fiction~♡ You have my eternal gratitude for your support~♡ Please know that I love each and every one of you very much~♡ Hopefully, you all had blessed days, I'm just blessed to have a job again and making money.🤣😂 I keep getting asked why I'm always in a good mood at work, and honestly I don't know, I just feel like every day I'm alive is a good day~♡ My depression won't keep me down~♡ Okay! So for this chapter, we have major violence and near death experiences, so please be advised when reading this chapter~♡ I may do a double update this week, if you guys really want it.:3 It's to celebrate the fact that I'm nearing the end of this story with damn near 80 chapters.😂🤣 So you guys still have a lot of content left, but without further ado, I hope you guys enjoy this next installment~♡


Taehyung could see the anger in Jungkook's eyes as he stood swiftly to his feet after being dragged across the pavement on his back. He turned towards the culprit with fire in his eyes as Taehyung slowly stood to his feet behind Jungkook. Both their eyes growing wide as they stood face to face with Jeremy once again.

"Who let you out of your cage?" Jungkook asked bitterly, hoping Jeremy would get the hint that Jungkook was referring to him as an animal. Although, Jungkook was hoping for too much once Jeremy spoke. "I wasn't living in a cage," Jeremy retorted as Jungkook made a face. "Wow, you're so intelligent," Jungkook deadpanned, his expression flat from Jeremy's stupidity. "Do you think Tae tutoring you would have even helped?" Jungkook asked sarcastically, earning a light tap on his shoulder from Taehyung.

Jeremy glanced at Taehyung, Jungkook noticing the slight shift in his gaze. "You're a hard person to find, Tae," Jeremy announced as Jungkook's face contorted with disgust. "Did you just call my boyfriend, Tae? As if you know him personally?" Jungkook asked incredulously, emphasizing that Taehyung was his companion on purpose. He didn't know how Jeremy's obsession with Taehyung came to exist, but he wasn't going to let him anywhere near Taehyung after the last time.

Taehyung stood behind Jungkook, too frightened to move much as Jungkook stood in front of him. Jungkook could feel the tension off Taehyung's body as Taehyung reached for Jungkook's shirt, gripping it tightly between his fingers. They both noticed Jeremy's eyes narrow visibly as Taehyung's grip tightened even more on Jungkook's shirt. "You're dating him?" Jeremy asked bewildered, his voice cracking with rage.

Taehyung shuddered violently behind Jungkook, but Jungkook could still feel it as he tried to soothe Taehyung's fear. "Yes, he's dating me. Do you have a problem with that?" Jungkook retorted with his own question, angry that Jeremy sounded so astonished by the fact that they were dating. Jungkook watched as Jeremy's eyes narrowed dangerously and he felt Taehyung's grip on his shirt tense up more while moving closer to Jungkook's back. He heard a soft whimper of fear, realizing how terrified of this situation Taehyung really was as he buried his face in the back of Jungkook's shoulders. "If you don't mind getting the fuck out of here so we can kindly go about our date again, that would be much appreciated," Jungkook expressed, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly at Jeremy's glowering gaze.

Jeremy lunged forward toward Jungkook, gripping his shoulder hastily and throwing his fist into Jungkook's stomach rashly to get the upper hand. Jungkook let out a loud breathy gasp as he doubled over Jeremy's fist in pain, frozen in that position. Taehyung took several immediate steps back from both of them, his eyes wide with terror as Jeremy removed his fist from Jungkook's stomach. Jungkook dropped to his knees, still gripping his abdomen as Taehyung noticed a blood-soaked metallic object in Jeremy's hand. That was when Taehyung realized that Jeremy had stabbed Jungkook rather than just punching him. "Why do you look so frightened, Tae? You know I'd never hurt you," Jeremy reassured, stepping closer towards Taehyung.

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