13- Bittersweet

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Hell-lo, all you lovely readers!~♡ Please continue to support this story.:3 It would mean a lot to me~♡ Minor mention of drug use (or induced state) and minor sexual content. Please be advised and read at your own risk~♡ Please enjoy the chapter if you do continue to read it though!~♡


Jimin wandered around the courtyard, searching high and low for Jungkook. He knew he could count on Jungkook to help him with keeping Taehyung in one area and preoccupied.

He was about to give up his search when a pebble hit him on the top of his head from up above. He glanced up to see a slender arm hanging over the edge of the rooftop stack as he quickly rushed around the back to get to the ladder. He didn't know if Jungkook may have overdosed or if he was just laying up there, but he quickly climbed the ladder to check on him.

Jimin peeked his head up over the ledge of the rooftop as Jungkook turned his head in his direction, having heard him quickly climbing the ladder. "Something the matter?" Jungkook asked, turning his attention back towards the pinky-orange sky as the sunset in the distance set the evening sky on fire. Jimin glanced towards the sunset with a small sigh of relief as he climbed up onto the roof.

"I could use your help... If you're willing to offer it," Jimin stated softly, walking to stand beside Jungkook's relaxed body. Jungkook glanced up at Jimin before sighing heavily and sitting up. "What do you need help with?" he asked, rather annoyed. He didn't feel nearly as annoyed as he had when he saw Jeremy's hands on Taehyung. He didn't know why that had annoyed him, but he could have killed the bastard.

Jimin flinched slightly at Jungkook's tone and sudden movement, after all, he had witnessed Jungkook beat the living hell out of someone. "W- well, it's Tae. He's been heavily drugged and the nurse can only keep him for so long before he has to leave the premises. Then I have to take over caring for Taehyung... I- If you wouldn't mind helping me keep him in the room. I'll pay you back any way you want, I just don't think I can do this without your help."

Jungkook glanced to the side and up towards Jimin before sighing in defeat. "Fine. I'll help you with him," he stated, slowly standing to his feet. "I'll call on that favor later then. I don't need anything right now," he stated, stretching his back out as Jimin beamed up at him. "Okay! Thank you so much," Jimin exclaimed, grasping Jungkook's arm and dragging him towards the building.


The nurse ran his fingers nervously through his dark hair, tugging slightly at the ends in frustration as he glanced at the clock. He was cutting it close to having to leave as Taehyung continued to make noise in the corner of the room. He could hear Taehyung pulling on the railing and restraints as he babbled to himself about something incoherent, but the nurse didn't want to get much closer. Last time, he was extremely tempted to kiss Taehyung and he couldn't be compelled to act on those impulses with Taehyung so out of his mind.

He stepped slightly closer to see Taehyung twisting from side to side on the bed, trying to free himself as the nurse sighed softly and walked closer towards him. He quickly grabbed Taehyung's shoulders and heaved him back onto his back, pinning Taehyung down by his shoulders. Taehyung's eyes widened as he stared up at the nurse before beaming up at him with an effervescent boxy smile, blinding the nurse in a sense. "Taehyung, you need to stop moving around so much. You're going to hurt yourself," the nurse advised as Taehyung stared past the nurse, absentmindedly.

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