74- Belated Birthday wishes

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Hello, all you beautiful and lovely readers~♡ I hope that all is well for you and that you all are healthy.:3 Don't forget to take care of yourself either~♡ There is always someone out there that loves you and wishes nothing but the best for you~♡ So the song I have posted in the media section is to be played after the sentence referring to Taehyung taking a deep breath and singing.:3 Now, I know this isn't a BTS song or Taehyung original, but I thought the song was very fitting for these two characters.:3 And I hope that you'll like it just as much as I have over these 10 years.:3 The song itself is a decade old.🤣😂 But without further ado, please enjoy this next chapter~♡


Jungkook could see the fatigue on Taehyung's face as he compelled himself to stay awake for days and finish the presentation his father had thrust onto him. Although Jungkook was trying his best to help Taehyung, it still wasn't adequate enough to protect Taehyung from pulling several consecutive all-nighters. Jungkook stayed awake the entire time Taehyung was awake, sitting next to him and helping him where he could.

When the bright rays of the rising sun filtered in through the crack of Taehyung's curtain on the 5th day, the day after Taehyung's birthday, Jungkook pouted silently beside Taehyung. Since Taehyung had started this surprise presentation, they hadn't had a single moment to pre-celebrate Taehyung's birthday. The possibility of Taehyung's father doing this on purpose weighed heavily on Jungkook's mind as Taehyung silently stood to his feet. Before Jungkook knew what he was doing, he was on his feet and following after Taehyung as Taehyung sought out his father.

When they finally found him, Jungkook could see the smug sneer on his face that made his blood boil. It seemed to him that Taehyung's father was trying to break him of any rebellion that may still be alive within Taehyung. "Here's your presentation, Papa," Taehyung documented groggily, exertion evident in his voice as he handed over the file folder. "And the documents I asked you to review?" His father asked smugly, folding his hands over his chest. Jungkook could hear the exhaustion in the way Taehyung sighed, his anger building within him. "Reviewed and signed," Taehyung reported softly, standing rigid in front of his father, even in his fatigue.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung's father turned away from them and walked away, not once mentioning anything about Taehyung's birthday the previous day or missing it. Not even the utterance of a belated 'Happy Birthday'. Nothing. Jungkook grit his teeth as Taehyung sighed softly before turning toward him. Taehyung lost his balance slightly, stumbling as Jungkook immediately caught Taehyung in his arms. Taehyung gripped Jungkook's biceps as he pushed himself away from Jungkook and into an upright position. "You should get some rest, Tae. You've been up for days working and I know you've got to be exhausted," Jungkook surmised as Taehyung shook his head vigorously. "Today is New Year's Eve. Mama always has a big event planned for our family on this day, and I still want to do our gift exchange before anything else. It's not like I haven't pulled consecutive all-nighters when I was out of my mind on drugs," Taehyung whined softly, pouting to add to his point so that he could give Jungkook his late birthday gifts.

Jungkook sighed heavily as he studied Taehyung's features, the bags under his eyes speaking a different story to his facade. "You already pulled several all-nighters, baby. Are you really going to stay up past midnight tonight? I don't need you having another seizure because you've pushed your body too hard and stayed up for days on end, Tae. The first seizure you had scared the ever loving shit out of me and I don't want you to suffer like that again," Jungkook protested adamantly as Taehyung's mother approached them quietly. "Is something the matter? I thought the two of you were arguing at first," she expressed softly, watching as Taehyung turned towards her steadily. She tilted her head as her eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Tae? Baby, what's wrong?" She asked as Taehyung remained silent, offering a small and tired smile.

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