38- Mask the Pain

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Hello, all you lovely readers~♡♡♡ I hope that you are all well and healthy~♡ I have been working hard with three active stories~♡ I hope you all will support You're Mine Now once it is released~♡ Either way, there is explicit content within this chapter that may be triggering to some, so please read at your own discretion~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy the next installement and feel free to leave any feedback~♡ Thank you and please enjoy, loves~♡♡♡


The entire trip towards his room, Taehyung sobbed heavily with his hands covering his face. His repugnance for himself prevailed the entire way, only festering his self-hatred as he ran. When he finally reached his dorm room, Taehyung burst into the room he shared with Jimin, frightening Jimin so awfully that he jumped off the bed. Taehyung flung himself onto his own bed, sobbing loudly as Jimin walked over towards Taehyung with trepidation. He didn't want to push Taehyung to talk about anything right now, he only wanted to console his weeping friend. "Tae...? I- Is everything okay?" Jimin asked softly, rubbing soothing circles on Taehyung's back. Taehyung hiccuped loudly into his pillow as Jimin bit his lip. "You don't have to talk about it... J- Just tell me that you're going to be okay... I'm worried about you..."

Taehyung heaved himself off of his bed and threw himself into Jimin's arms, curling up with him as he continued to sob. "I- I fucked up, M- Minnie. S- so bad! I- I betr- betrayed J- Jungkook," he cried loudly, burying his face in Jimin's neck. Jimin gently patted Taehyung's back, trying to soothe his weeping friend, but Taehyung continued to cry heavily. Jimin gently pulled Taehyung away from him, cupping Taehyung's face in his hands. "Tae, it's okay. Everybody makes mistakes and yours are not normally as bad as you think. You shouldn't let yours eat at you like this. I'm certain Jungkook will understand," Jimin coaxed, trying to dry the tears that slid effortlessly from Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung sniffled a few times, hiccuping in the process as he tried to calm down as Jimin had instructed. "Do you want some water? Or juice to drink? Maybe some warm milk?" Jimin asked, trying to get Taehyung to open his eyes and look at him. Taehyung rubbed his eyes gently as he peeked at Jimin through blurry and soaked lashes, nodding his head softly.

Jimin smiled gently as he tenderly patted Taehyung's shoulder, glad to see him starting to calm down. "Yes to which one? The warm milk?" Jimin asked as Taehyung nodded softly once again, using his sleeves to dry his eyes and cheeks. Jimin gently patted Taehyung's head before slowly standing up, giving Taehyung a quick ruffle of his hair. "Okay, good boy. I'll be right back with your warm milk," Jimin claimed before hesitantly leaving their dorm room.

Taehyung stared at the spot that Jimin had just been sitting before his eyes peeked over towards his closed closet door. He slowly slid off of the bed and crawled over towards his closet, opening the door without hesitation. He rummaged around within the closet, searching for the clear, unmarked plastic container. When he found it, he pried it open hastily and search through the small, labeled plastic bags for what he needed that could numb his mind. Anything that would help him forget what he'd just done. When he found what he was looking for, he tore into the plastic bag without hesitation, taking the whole dose with the same haste. No concern for the fact that he wasn't used to taking these types of drugs yet again and the feeling hit him almost immediately as he reeled back. Although that didn't stop him from proceeding with injecting more into his system.


Jimin quickly trotted down the hallway to get Taehyung a glass of warm milk. That always seemed to help when Taehyung was feeling overwhelmed by something. Before Jimin could turn the corner of the cafeteria, he ran into someone and almost lost his balance. He managed to catch himself on the wall and before he could get angry about almost being knocked down, he heard Seokjin's voice profusely apologize.

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