39- Brand New Man

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Hello, everyone who reads this~♡ I hope that you are well and enjoying the stories that I'm working on~♡ If you're not enjoying them, please tell me how I can change that~♡ Constructive criticism is better than hearing nothing at all~♡ So! We finally learn the name of the elusive nurse~♡♡♡ I hope that you all are ready for that~♡ We also see Jungkook's feelings shifting even more.🤣😂 So please look forward to this chapter~♡ I hope that you all will enjoy~♡♡♡


The nurse quickly shoved Taehyung's father away from him, his father dropping his arm now too. Seokjin bolted off the floor to cradle Taehyung's frail body as the nurse rushed to scour his office for an additional, unused inhaler for Taehyung. Jimin rushed to quickly help the nurse as Taehyung's mother's panic rose to uncertain levels. Seokjin picked Taehyung up off of the floor and glared at Taehyung's father as the nurse rushed forward with an inhaler.

He quickly uncapped the end and cradled it between Taehyung's lips before giving two swift puffs of air, hoping that would help. Taehyung groaned softly, gasping loudly as air rushed back into his lungs. Taehyung's mother breathed a sigh of relief, patting the bed beside her for Taehyung to rest upon again. She was hoping this time he wouldn't be so fearful of her as Seokjin carried a limp Taehyung over towards the bed.

Taehyung barely opened his eyes, glancing around the room as his eyes landed on the stern expression from his father. "You're weak. You shouldn't even exist," his father declared rather harshly, ignoring the malicious eyes glaring back at him. "If you have to rely on that to live, I guess you should have died long ago," his father added as Taehyung's mother fiercely walked from around the bed and towards him. Before he could say anything more, she reared back and smacked him hard across the face as she glared at him with furious tears. "Y- You talk about our son like that one more time, you won't have anyone to inherit your fucking company," she vowed fiercely, her hand shaking from the sheer animosity that coursed through her veins.

Taehyung's father cleared his throat and adjusted his suit jacket, trying to pretend that his wife didn't just make him her bitch at that moment. "Fine then. Hyungwon, come here," Taehyung's father demanded, gesturing towards the nurse as the nurse approached him. Taehyung slowly sat up as he watched his father wrap his arm around the nurse's neck in a friendly manner. "Taehyung, from now on, you will address Hyungwon as your fiancé. No more running around with that troublemaker anymore. He's the reason you're in this state," his father commented, shoving Hyungwon towards Taehyung now. "Hyungwon saved your life and you owe it to him. He'll make sure to take care of you too," his father added as Taehyung stared at the nurse he'd just learned the name of in absolute horror.

"N- no... Papa! No," Taehyung cried, trying to climb out of the bed. Seokjin promptly caught Taehyung in his arms to try and hold him back and keep him from exacerbating his asthma once more. "No! No, you can't do this to me," Taehyung cried, trying to reach for his father from over Seokjin's broad shoulder. It was doing Taehyung no good to struggle. Even if he had hit a wall with Jungkook and done things with Hoseok and Yoongi that he regrets now, he still couldn't help his feelings that were ever stronger for Jungkook. He couldn't just let this happen the way his father wanted as his eyes sparkled with tears.

His father stared back at Taehyung's watery eyes with cold indifference before turning his head. "I have and I will," was all his father had to say, before leaving the room. Taehyung collapsed into Seokjin's arms, crying inconsolably as Seokjin tried to soothe Taehyung once again by rubbing his back. Although, that was doing nothing to ease the quantity of tears flooding past Taehyung's cheeks and Seokjin understood why. His heart was breaking at the news of never being able to see the person he cared for most. Seokjin had known and understood what that felt like more than anyone else.

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