15- Crisis averted

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Sorry, this is a week late you guys!D: I was busy applying for jobs since this quarantine has me all fucked up. Nevertheless, here is the next chapter! I hope you enjoy it!~♡ It has mention of underage smoking, minor sexual content, drugs, and an almost suicidal moment. Please advise when reading~♡


Jungkook sat on the edge of Taehyung's bed with his head in one hand and a cigarette in his other hand. He brought the filtered tip to his lips and clicked his lighter, lighting the cigarette and inhaling deeply as Jimin stepped through the door.

He exhaled the smoke into the room, glancing up at Jimin with a helpless look. "It's about time you came back. Your princess is fast asleep," he stated softly, inhaling deeply once again. Jimin glanced over to see Taehyung facing the wall, fast asleep as Jungkook continued to smoke. Jimin quickly walked up and grabbed Jungkook by his arm roughly. Jungkook yelped in alarm as Jimin shushed him quietly and led them outside the room.

Jimin silently shut the door before sighing softly as he led Jungkook towards the back door. "You know, we're not supposed to smoke indoors," Jimin commented, glancing back at Jungkook. Jungkook laughed softly as he exhaled another puff of acrid smoke. "Yeah, but I kind of need it after that stressful situation you all abandoned me to," Jungkook stated, earning a sympathetic glance from Jimin. "Let me guess, it was a test of willpower, right?"

Jimin stopped when they'd reached the courtyard, turning towards Jungkook. "You seriously didn't do anything with him, even though I'm certain he was being extremely pushy?" he asked with a look of sincere shock. Jungkook pressed a hand to his chest, slightly offended by Jimin's pure shock. "I'm not an animal. I know how to control myself, even with my hormones urging me," Jungkook defended, inhaling deeply from his cigarette as he crossed one arm over his chest and supported the hand that held his cigarette.

Jimin shook his head quickly and waved his hands back and forth. "No, no, no. You misunderstood what I was surprised about. I'm sorry I didn't word that better. More than anything... I'm proud? I guess. I definitely won't be so wary of you hanging around Taehyung now, so you pass," Jimin stated, smiling softly. Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he exhaled smoke into the atmosphere. "So it was a test?"

"Of sorts," Jimin stated matter- of- factly, smiling softly as he clasped his hands behind his back, innocently. "But what I'm interested in was your turn of phrase the other day. What did you mean by 'he was a virgin?' Does that mean you've been intimate with him before?"

Jungkook swallowed hard at Jimin's sudden change in tone, the palms of his hands starting to sweat. What if he answered wrong and Jimin hit him? Would Jimin even be angry enough to hit him? He twisted the hem of his shirt into his hands, trying to calm his racing heart. "Y- yes," Jungkook admitted honestly, bracing himself for an unexpected punch. He peeked out of one eye when that punch never came, releasing the breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Jimin tilted his head, an unreadable expression on his face as he shifted his weight. "Okay. Explain to me how you didn't know he was a virgin. Or at least realize it when you were fucking him? Or was it the other way around?" Jimin asked teasingly, only for Jungkook's eyes to flash with anger. "I'm not the female of any relationship, thank you! Plus, I'm more into women than I am men," Jungkook stated softly, shrugging indifferently. "A hole is a hole when you're desperate, you know."

Jimin raised an eyebrow in interest, trying to keep his own anger in check. "Please don't refer to my best friend as nothing more than some place for you to stick your dick. I promise you, he's much more than that. And if you're not interested in him, as you say, I'd quit hanging around with him. You're giving him the wrong idea and you'll only hurt him more in the end. He's suffered enough... He doesn't need heartache on top of everything else he has to deal with," Jimin stated, shifting his weight once more. "Plus, there are plenty of girls that attend this facility too. Why fuck Taehyung if you're more into women?"

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