98- Unforeseen Misfortune

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Hello, all you beauties out there~♡ I hope that you all have been well~♡ I've been doing rather well myself~♡ Even though work has been a little stressful, it's still nothing compared to customer service jobs.😂🤣 And I was complimented on how hard I was working so that's always a bonus.:3 It gives me initiative to keep working hard, even when I want to stop.🤣😂 My loves, today we experience the tragic death of a main character so please be advised when reading. Again, this is not the end of the book either so please wait until the last 2 chapters have been released.:3 I hope it'll be worth your wait for the ending that I worked towards.:3 I hope that it can somehow make up for me separating 2 people who are obviously soulmates and that you guys won't completely hate me.:3 So without further ado, if you want to keep reading, please enjoy this next installment my loves~♡♡♡


Jungkook remained reserved as the meeting progressed diligently, he'd had a terrible feeling settled in the pit of his stomach for hours now while he listened to the presenter drone on about forming a conglomerate with Taehyung's company. Jungkook was silently going through the events of the last two days that would have led up to that awful feeling nestled intensely in his stomach rather than actually listening to the presentation. Jungkook was noiselessly tapping his index finger against the table when the door to their meeting room flew open. Jungkook jumped with surprise before glaring at the person standing in the doorway. Before Jungkook could reprimand his subordinate for interrupting such an important meeting, the frantic male spoke.

"Mr. Jeon! I'm sorry for interrupting, but it's important," he cried out frantically, immediately earning Jungkook's full attention. The distraught expression on his face alarmed Jungkook even more as he hastily stood to his feet in acknowledgment. "It's your husband," he cried hysterically as Jungkook's phone buzzed noisily across the wooden table. When Jimin's name flashed urgently on the screen, the already heavy and tense atmosphere amplified, and the stone in Jungkook's stomach lodged itself in his throat as he struggled to breathe now. The buzzing of his phone grew more urgent with each passing second that Jungkook hesitated, Jungkook almost petrified to answer it. His heart hurdled into his throat alongside that stone as he grabbed his cell phone and bolted towards the door with abandon.

Jungkook hastily answered the phone right outside the door to the meeting room, his heart thundering in his chest as Jimin spoke. "I need you home now," Jimin cried softly through the speaker, his voice strained with emotion. "Please, Tae desires to see you as soon as possible," Jimin added softly, a soft sniffle echoing through Jungkook's ears. "He needs you. When you get back into town, meet me at the hospital closest to your house," Jimin instructed as calmly as possible, although Jungkook could hear the urgency in his voice. The silence filled the air as Jungkook struggled to steady his racing heart. "Understood. I'll be there in less than an hour," Jungkook declared boldly, rushing towards the exit of the building without so much as a warning to anyone. Taehyung being in the hospital was obviously more important if Jimin was calling him at work. Jimin never called him when he was aware Jungkook was at work unless it was urgent. This also involved Taehyung so it had to be urgent.

Jungkook hailed a cab without so much as an issue, rushing him towards the airport. Jungkook hastily threw money at the driver before rushing into the airport without so much as a glance behind him. He was in a hurry to get back to Taehyung. He bolted for the customer service counter, rapidly exchanging his plane ticket for today rather than a few days from now. Jungkook insisted on a plane that was leaving immediately or a private flight so that he could return home due to a family emergency. The concierge didn't argue much as they prepared him an abrupt private flight back home due to who he was.

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