36- Convincing Taehyung

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Hello, everyone~♡ I hope that you are all doing well on this lovely fall day. Fall is my favorite season aside from winter because I love snow.:3 What's all you lovely reader's favorite seasons? And why is it your favorite season? I'm curious to know about you guys~♡ There is sexual content in this chapter, so please read at your own discretion~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy the next chapter~♡♡♡


After a while, the ambulance arrived and carted Jungkook off on a gurney. Taehyung watched through blurry eyes, worried about Jungkook even though he was the reason Taehyung was so upset previously. That didn't seem to matter as much to him as Jungkook's life hanging in the balance. Taehyung was more worried about Jungkook's health as he sighed deeply, wondering how long he'd been exhibiting symptoms that went ignored because Jungkook kept brushing off their concerns. Taehyung wondered if he'd actually made Jungkook sick as the nurse had warned previously, but he didn't know if bronchitis could be spread like that.

Taehyung sighed in misery once again as Hoseok approached him after Jungkook had been escorted out of the building. "How are you feeling now?" Hoseok asked, glancing over at Taehyung. Taehyung shook his head as the memory remained fresh in his mind, tears already building up again. "S- some girl told me th- that Jungkook said he loved her and that they were dating before he was detained here..." Taehyung trailed off, unable to finish the rest before breaking down once again.

Hoseok wrapped his arm around Taehyung to comfort him as he peered down at him. "Who was this girl?" Hoseok asked, never hearing Jungkook really talk about any females. They barely spoke for the most part, but most of their conversations consisted of Jungkook getting to class on time, concern for Jungkook, or Taehyung. There weren't many conversations, but they'd never once talked about a female.

Taehyung shrugged slightly, sniffling as he looked up at Hoseok. "I- I don't really know. I never got her name. She just told me to back off of Jungkook," he added as Hoseok tapped his chin in thought. Hoseok's eyes lit up and he took this opportunity to instill an idea in Taehyung's mind. "Hm? Well, you know... if things don't work out for you and Jungkook. You have Yoongi and me here for you," Hoseok affirmed, tugging on Taehyung's hand. "Come on, I'll show you what I mean," Hoseok added as he dragged Taehyung with him to Yoongi's room.


Yoongi sat at his desk, running his hand roughly through his hair as he tried to write a poem for his English Literature class. His ass of a teacher wouldn't accept a simple lyrical verse, no. It had to be a fucking poem.

Yoongi sighed loudly, scribbling something down quickly before he heard a soft knock at his door. He quickly stood to see who it was at his door, only for it to open swiftly before he could even get to it. Hoseok stood in the doorway with a baffled Taehyung standing solemnly behind him. Taehyung offered a nervous wave at Yoongi, smiling softly as Hoseok dragged Taehyung into the room with him. Hoseok quietly shut the door and turned towards Yoongi, who stood with his arms crossed over his chest. Although, he didn't seem upset to Taehyung as he stood next to Yoongi.

"You remember what we talked about a while back, Yoongi?" Hoseok asked as he walked up to both Taehyung and Yoongi. Hoseok placed a firm hand on Taehyung's right shoulder and Yoongi's left shoulder, his hands sliding down their arms to their hands. He firmly gripped both their hands in his own before Taehyung pulled away precipitously, his eyes darting over towards Yoongi in bewilderment. His eyes held emotions that Yoongi couldn't even quite read as Taehyung tucked the hand Hoseok had previously tried to hold into his chest.

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