100- We'll Meet Again, My Love

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Hello, all my beautiful lovelies~♡ I have eagerly been awaiting the finished and final result of this book~♡ Mainly because I may now focus on other works that have unfortunately been neglected.👉👈 Such as Wish You were Here, Let Me In, and You're Mine Now.:3 We'll work towards completing Wish You were Here first though and work from there.😂🤣 When I first started this book, I had absolutely NO idea what I wanted to do with it. Although, I'd already started it and had an ending planned out.🤣😂 I did tweak the original ending I had in mind because why would I want to seperate the main characters like that?😂🤣 From there, I worked hard on each chapter to ensure that it was mostly interesting and to keep the story flowing well enough to update it as often as possible.:3 Most of these chapters were actually dreams that I'd experienced and written down to ensure I didn't forget them while writing.🤣😂 The more often you recall your dreams, the easier it will become with each passing day.:3 (For those that want to try dream recollections.:3) I hope that you guys have enjoyed this crazy work that my mind has cooked up and I hope that you'll look into some of my other works as well~♡ Because I try my best with each one that I release to you all~♡ I apologize for the long note this time but I'm just feeling emotional now that this story has reached its climax~♡ This chapter contains emotional moments and talks of reincarnation (for those that do not believe in that) so please remain advised when reading~♡ I hope that you all will continue to support this story even though it's finished now and I hope you have all had a wonderful journey with me~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy the newest and last installment~♡♡♡


Jungkook stood solemnly and neglected behind Jimin as the lawyer he'd contacted sometime prior read the will for Jimin and his children. Jungkook watched faithfully as Jimin was given his handwritten letter and opened it to read. To his dismay, Jimin chose to read it out loud, but he couldn't feel the humiliation he normally would have felt. "Jimin, you were the only person that Taehyung trusted fully and so wholeheartedly that I am rewriting my will to leave everything to you in a display of good fortune. I know and trust that you will do right by everyone involved once the children are of age. My only hope is that I haven't burdened you with the rest of their upbringing. Please look after everything for me as you have for Taehyung. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive my foolish actions that have steered us towards this tragedy but I have to do something to stop Annalise from ruining her life. I also hope you find it in your heart to forgive my rejection of you when you kissed me. It's not that I never liked you or never thought of you that way. You would have been my first choice if my heart hadn't died the day Taehyung departed this world. I hope that Yoongi and Hoseok continue to bring you complete happiness. Love Jungkook," Jimin uttered the words softly, tears slipping past his eyes.

Jungkook stood vigilant by his children's side, watching everything unfold as the lawyer resumed reading the will Jungkook had left behind. He couldn't feel remorse or regret for what transpired that night because he'd protected Annalise and hopefully turned her down a better path. That, he would discern for himself as he continued to watch over them, always beside them but never being discovered. Jungkook had resigned the idea of ever meeting Taehyung again when his funeral and will reading passed without so much as a hint from his late love.

Jungkook sighed softly when Annalise stood to her feet and left the room, walking straight past Jungkook. Jungkook followed diligently behind her, hoping that she was okay and not blaming herself for what ensued that night. Jungkook noticed her sit down outside the lawyer's office and bury her face in her hands, Jungkook taking a seat next to her. He tenderly placed his hand on her back to try and soothe her sorrow, rubbing comforting circles as he did when she was a baby.

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