93- He's More like You than You Know

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Hello, all you lovely and beautiful people~♡ I am currently spending time with my family as I type this little note~♡ I hope all is well for you guys~♡ I'm always here if you need to talk~♡ My private messages are always open so please feel free to reach out if you ever need anything~♡ So I had too much fun writing this chapter.🤣😂 If you all couldn't tell by the chapter name, it has a lot to do with Gabriel being a lot like his father.😂🤣 But I hope you all will enjoy the chapter none the less~♡ This chapter does have explicit sexual content and talks of sex so please remain advised when reading, my loves~♡ Hopefully, you all enjoy this chapter~♡ I love you all~♡ MERRY CHRISTMAS to those who celebrate it~♡♡♡


Jungkook, Taehyung, and their children lived happy and peaceful lives for several years. Taehyung was in and out of intensive care with Hyungwon, but he was managing his symptoms well enough that he could watch his children grow up. It would soon be Taehyung and Jungkook's 10th anniversary and Taehyung was at a loss for what to do this year. He honestly hadn't expected to live this long into their marriage but he couldn't be happier as he prepared the kids' lunches.

He set 3 plates down at the end of the island that separated their kitchen from the spacious living room and walked around to pull the chairs out before calling the children down from tutoring. They'd been working so hard with their private tutors that Taehyung felt the need to reward his babies. With what, he wasn't certain of yet but he'd think of something soon enough. He watched as Ezra was the first one down the stairs, giggling pleasantly as the other two rushed down as well. He figured they must have been hungry as they climbed up into the bar chairs and commenced eating the moment they were settled.

Taehyung hummed softly to himself as he cleaned the counter where he'd just made all of their grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches with mashed potatoes. He didn't realize how alike they all would be coming from two separate mothers, but it made him happy that he didn't have very picky children. "Now, before you go back to learning," Taehyung started softly, placing the damp towel on the edge of the sink. "I think we need to talk about knocking on daddy's door before entering the room once again. We've talked about this before, but someone seems to keep forgetting," Taehyung addressed softly, leaning forward as Annalise ducked her head.

"Sorry, daddy. I just like sleeping in the bed between you and dad... And I forget to knock sometimes," she admitted quietly, dropping her gaze as Taehyung smiled softly. He tenderly ruffled her hair, his hand trailing to cup her cheek before sliding under her chin to lift her gaze once again. "You're not in trouble, baby girl. Just remember to knock. There are things that take place in that room that we don't want you seeing, baby," Taehyung added quietly, moving his hand from under her chin to continue cleaning the counter once more.

"You mean like arguments?" Gabriel asked nonchalantly and Taehyung swiftly lifted his eyes to Jungkook's willful and rebellious son. Taehyung hadn't realized how much Gabriel was going to act like Jungkook when he was an infant. "Yes, among other things," Taehyung finally answered, eyeing Gabriel sternly. "But you don't need to be broadcasting our business like that either, young man," Taehyung reprimanded firmly before turning his back toward the children to grab the drinks from the fridge. Although Gabriel wasn't aware that's what Taehyung was doing and panicked slightly at the fact that he may have angered his daddy. "I- I'm sorry," Gabriel hastily apologized as Taehyung turned back toward him with a confused expression.

"It's okay, baby," Taehyung laughed softly, realizing the panic in his child's eyes. "It's not like I'm going to tell your father or anything. It's not bad enough for you to be reprimanded by him too," Taehyung declared certainly, reaching into the fridge. He pulled out 3 apple juice boxes and walked back over towards them, pushing the straws through the tiny opening before sliding them over to the children. Gabriel watched Taehyung meticulously out of the corner of his eyes as he continued to eat, jumping down once he was finished. "Thank you, daddy," he announced overly happy as he rushed around the bar to hug Taehyung tight. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Gabriel's head and shoulders with a tender smile. "You're welcome, baby. You guys are my pride and joy," Taehyung stated softly as Gabriel nuzzled his face in Taehyung's chest and tightened his arms around Taehyung's waist.

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