80- First Meetings

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Hello all you beauties~♡ I hope that you all are well~♡ If not, I am always here to lend a listening ear, so please don't forget that~♡ So! I have almost finished all of my drafts for this story, which means (if you guys haven't already noticed) I am returning to work on Wish You Were Here again~♡ I am excited to continue that because I really liked that story too but I was too busy to keep up with them both.🥺 But now, I can continue! I hope you all will look forward to that one again soon.:3 I hope you guys realize that while these chapters may be a little rushed, it's mainly because Tae and Kook are separated and nobody really wants to read that.😂🤣 So, I am hurrying to get them back together again without rushing it too much~♡ There isn't really anything too triggering unless you find babies and house formats triggering, but please remain advised for future chapters~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy this next chapter~♡


Jungkook peeked at the three sleeping children, his eyes wandering over each precious one of them as his heart swelled with love for them already. He didn't know he could love anything more than he loved Taehyung, but these children were little blessings that had tears welling up in Jungkook's eyes. "May I hold them?" Jungkook asked softly, wanting to hold all of them, but choosing to do so individually. Jimin nodded in approval as Jungkook carefully reached inside the playpen to pick Gabriel up from the cushioned padding.

He sat down on the chaise lounge as he cradled Gabriel carefully in his arms. He stared down at his firstborn son, his tears slowly dripping from his cheeks as he tenderly rubbed his nose against Gabriel's nose. He placed a gentle kiss against Gabriel's nose as he continued to stare at him, overwhelming emotions of love and regret causing him to sob softly. Jimin walked over towards Jungkook and tenderly rubbed his back as he watched Jungkook interact with Gabriel. "A father's love for his child is a beautiful thing," Jimin commented softly, watching as Jungkook nodded in agreement. The thing Jungkook regret most was how he treated Taehyung in the beginning because now, he couldn't envision his life turning out any other way. He did somewhat regret ever feeling afraid to have children with Taehyung because all three of them were beautiful, tiny creatures that he couldn't envision being without now too.

After some time of holding Gabriel, Jungkook carefully stood to his feet and placed Gabriel back in his spot on the padding. Cautiously, Jungkook picked the child in the middle up and cradled their fragile body carefully against him. "Is this one Annalise? Or is this Ezra?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, feeling awful that he had to ask which child was his second son. Jimin smiled tenderly, completely understanding that Jungkook had never seen them before and that mixing them up was going to happen. They couldn't expect Jungkook to know which one was his child immediately upon seeing them, the twins hadn't even developed any discerning features yet. "That one is Ezra. Annalise was the weaker twin so she's smaller than Ezra and she was born thirteen seconds after Ezra. So she's also the baby of all your babies," Jimin explained as he watched Jungkook tenderly kiss this baby's nose as well.

"They're all such beautiful babies," Jungkook commented softly, more tears falling from his cheeks as he spent some time with Ezra. After admiring the newborn baby boy, he gently placed Ezra back into the pen before he carefully lifted Annalise into his arms. She flinched in his grasp, her eyes peeking open as he stared down at her. The room was still as she glanced around the room, her tiny eyes finally wandering over Jungkook. Jimin sighed a breath of relief when Annalise remained quiet and didn't start crying.

Jungkook offered a small smile as her tiny hand clasped his index finger, sucking on the tip of his finger. Taehyung's mother chuckled softly as she held a bottle out towards Jungkook, urging him to try feeding her. "She's probably hungry," she announced softly, laughing as Annalise released Jungkook's finger for the bottle. Jungkook eagerly sat back down on the chaise lounge with Annalise and the bottle, placing the nipple to her lips. She eagerly accepted the bottle, helping Jungkook hold the container as she sucked the milk down until she was full. Jimin discreetly took several pictures of Jungkook interacting with each child because he knew Taehyung would want to see this.

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