12- Out of mind, out of body

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Hello, lovely readers.:3 Know that today someone loves you!~♡ Today's chapter is brought to you, by boring medications that make me feel like a zombie!♡ But hopefully, you'll still support it by commenting or leaving a vote.:3 It is a filler, but depending on how many views or votes it gets, I may do a double update.:3 There is mention of drugs and sexual behavior, so please be advised when reading.:3 Enjoy~♡


Jungkook shoved the door to the courtyard open, the door slamming against the brick wall and rattling noisily into the silence that surrounded him outside. He was still fuming with rage as he clenched his fists tightly and glanced around his surroundings rapidly. He felt like the ground was spinning out of control when someone tapped his shoulder lightly.

He quickly spun around, glaring daggers at the person in front of him and ready to swing his fist straight into their face. That was until he realized that the person who had approached him was Jimin. He quickly dropped his fist and averted his intense and aggressive gaze. "What do you want?" Jungkook asked in a moody tone, trying his best to hide his ferocity.

Jimin smiled warmly, touching his hand to his own chest as he gazed up at Jungkook. "Thank you so much for reacting so quickly. Taehyung is safe thanks to you," he stated softly, nodding his head as he turned away from Jungkook. Jimin slowly walked away as Jungkook swallowed hard, lowly calling out to him. "It was nothing. Don't think anything of it," he declared, sighing heavily as Jimin entered the building once more.

Jungkook shoved his hands in his pockets as he kicked the ground with each step, kicking up dust and dirt as he walked. He glanced over his shoulder in the direction Jimin had walked, before walking in the opposite direction. He needed to get his anger under control before he went to check to see how Taehyung was doing.


Seokjin slowly walked beside Namjoon, playing with the hem of his shirt nervously. "We should plan a dinner date one night," Seokjin suggested as Namjoon shrugged. "Sure, I guess. We can't leave Eunjun out though. She got upset the last time I did anything with you without telling her."

Seokjin bit his lip, hoping he'd be able to convince Namjoon that just the two of them should have dinner. He'd been wanting to be with Namjoon since the first day they'd met back when Seokjin was only eleven. Sure, Namjoon was already sixteen then, but he'd never been more sure of his feelings for someone before. He was grateful to Eunjun for bringing him to their house that day. He just wished Namjoon would acknowledge his feelings.

Seokjin forced a small smile and nodded softly at Namjoon's words. "Right. We can't forget Eunjun. She'd throw a fit again," Seokjin laughed softly, gazing up at Namjoon warmly. Although, Namjoon didn't notice the love behind Seokjin's gaze as he gave a soft wave. "Well, see ya," Namjoon announced, waving as he steered away from Seokjin. Seokjin gave a small wave towards Namjoon over his shoulder before quickly turning the corner.

Seokjin sighed as he glanced at his surroundings, his thoughts muddled by his feelings for Namjoon. The hallways seemed so much more dull and lifeless outside of the classrooms. At least in the classroom, the teachers could decorate to express themselves. Some teachers, like Namjoon, loved to express themselves and Seokjin loved Namjoon's expressive decorations.

Seokjin wandered aimlessly down the hallway, wondering if Taehyung was already out of the nurse's office by now. He knew Taehyung normally didn't stay there long after his breathing treatments, especially since he was trying to keep an enormous secret.

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