79- Misfortune strikes

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Hello, all you beautiful and lovely supporters~♡ I hope all is well for you and remember that I love you all~♡ You guys honestly mean the world to me.:3 Without you guys, I wouldn't have had the emotional support to continue this work~♡ You guys have kept me going when I didn't know what I was going to do yet.🤣😂 So thank you all~♡ I apologize that this chapter is a little later than normal, but in all honesty, I lost serious track of my days.😂🤣 I was already at work when I realized that it was Friday, so I immediately started work on editing this chapter from there.🤣😂 Please forgive me, guys~♡🙏 This chapter doesn't have anything too triggering within its contents, but please remain advised when reading~♡ I hope that you all will enjoy this chapter~♡


By this point, it had been three weeks since Jungkook had last seen Taehyung and he was starting to become worried. He didn't have his cell phone readily available to him within these four walls so he couldn't contact Taehyung and ask if Taehyung was doing okay. The last time he'd seen Taehyung it looked like the stress was getting to him. Enough so, that Taehyung hadn't even become aroused until Jungkook physically started teasing him. He was hoping that he'd hear from Taehyung soon though so that he could quell these anxious thoughts.

His roommate was still attempting to sleep with him and even though Jungkook had come back from that visit with claw marks up and down his back, it did nothing to subdue the other male's desires for Jungkook. Having a fiancé and being perfectly aware of that did nothing to subdue the other male. Jungkook was starting to find it overwhelming as he worked hard to graduate as soon as possible. He only had five more months left with this hellhole and he could almost taste his freedom.

Jungkook aimlessly played with his pencil on his desk, trying to keep his roommate at bay with the excuse that he was too busy with schoolwork to be bothered. It was when his roommate attempted to talk to Jungkook again that an announcement was broadcast that Jungkook had a visitor today. In his excitement, Jungkook bolted for the door and dashed down the hallway as fast as his legs could carry him. His roommate was left standing there and offended that Jungkook was so eager to meet his visitor, but still not completely discouraged. He'd find a way to make Jungkook acknowledge him.

Again, Jungkook raced down the hallway, pushing people out of his way because he was finally going to see his baby Tae again. He stopped just short of the door, fixing his hair and clothes before he pushed the door open. This time, the sight that greeted him wasn't Taehyung at all. Rather, it was a grim looking Jimin. Jungkook tilted his head in confusion as he slowly approached Jimin, the tiny knot of worry twisting deep within his stomach. "Wh- What's going on?" Jungkook asked anxiously, taking a seat across from Jimin. Jimin's face was solemn, his eyes closed as he clasped his hands in front of his face like a bridge, making Jungkook even more nervous about the situation. "D- Did something happen?" Jungkook asked hesitantly as Jimin finally opened his eyes.

"Unfortunately, yes," Jimin finally answered as Jungkook felt his heart sink and that little bit of worry increase tenfold. He felt like he was going to be sick as he stared at Jimin, waiting for him to continue speaking. "Taehyung didn't want me to tell you, but I find that unrealistic since he can't even visit you himself right now," Jimin explained softly, sighing as he continued to press on. "That presentation he talked to you about the last time he visited. Whatever happened here and that night took a very severe toll on his body. That day he looked so worn that the board kept asking if they should even have the meeting, but Taehyung kept reassuring them he was fine. He lied. I don't know everything that happened during the presentation, but some of the board members filled me in on the details. They said Taehyung made a gagging sound at one point like he was about to throw up, but he didn't stop them. So they continued with the presentations. That was when one member told me she saw him roll his eyes, but she thought he was just annoyed. They told me he stood to his feet mid-presentation and tried to bolt for the door, but that he barely took three steps before he dropped to the floor, seizing violently. He scared everyone in the board room half to death and they had no idea what to do. So while they did call an ambulance, the fact that they left him alone caused some temporary damage. He's been hospitalized for the past few weeks after that seizure, mainly because they didn't try to control the tremors, try to hold his head still, keep him from swallowing or biting his tongue, or even try to say soothing words to him to bring him out of it. They did literally nothing, so I've been taking care of the company, Gabriel, Annalise, and your other son in his stead. I'm sorry that I couldn't inform you sooner," Jimin explained solemnly, feeling guilty as Jungkook stared at him with teary eyes.

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