90- Sweet Serenity

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Hello, all you beautiful readers~♡ I hope that you are well~♡ I couldn't be happier with the way things have been going so far~♡ It's the first time in a while that my life is back on track.🤣😂 I hope you all feel that way about your lives too~♡ I hope that everyone is excited because we're now at chapter 90 out of 100~♡ Can you all believe that? I couldn't until I looked at how far we've gone together~♡ In my word document, this story is 233,996 words in total. I guess because I had fun writing it, I didn't realize how much I'd written for it until I saw that number.😂🤣 Either way, I'm working on editing the next chapter for Wish you were Here but that one won't be released until later this evening.:3 Now, from there, this chapter has mention of sexual content so please remain advised when reading~♡ I hope that you all will enjoy this chapter and the next 10 to come~♡ Please enjoy~♡


Jungkook decided to throw out the itinerary once Taehyung had returned from the hospital safely. The reason being, everything on it seemed like it would take a lot out of Taehyung. Jungkook decided that staying in the cabin and relaxing was the best option for Taehyung. They could visit Gatlinburg again at a later date and go sightseeing then. Jungkook was far more concerned about Taehyung's health than sightseeing this time around.

When they arrived at the check-in location, the clerk was pleasantly surprised that they'd showed up. They'd thought that the two weren't going to show up since the office was close to closing time. Although when Jungkook explained their situation as to why they were late, much to Taehyung's chagrin, they were greeted with sympathy. Sympathy Taehyung could have cared less for as they were handed the keys to their cabin.

When they arrived at their cabin, Jungkook unloaded all of their luggage from the rental car while Taehyung unlocked the front door. Grumbling to himself about being treated like an invalid, Taehyung opened the door to a foyer with two staircases. The staircase leading up was a beautiful burgundy with a well furnished kitchen meeting his immediate sight. When he walked up the stairs and to the left he could see that the living room was equipped with a large wall mounted flat-screen television, white satin love seat, sectional couch, and chaise to offset the burgundy carpeting, and a crystal clear, glass plated coffee table with black steel framework. The back doors from the living room that led out onto a balcony were fully glass and clean as could be so that the patrons could see out onto the beautiful smoky mountains.

Taehyung was mesmerized by the bright white snow that glistened in the setting sun. It was almost blinding how brilliantly white the snow appeared as the sky was dyed in fiery reds, orange, lilac, and soft pink. It greatly contrasted the snow and kept Taehyung rooted to his spot as Jungkook walked up behind him. Jungkook tenderly wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist and rest his chin on Taehyung's shoulder as they stared out at the Smoky Mountains. "Breath taking, isn't it?" Jungkook asked softly, squeezing Taehyung a little tighter before turning Taehyung's head towards him. He tenderly kissed Taehyung's lips, lingering for a moment before biting his lip and taking a step back. "Have you seen the rest of the cabin?" Jungkook asked as he walked down the hallway to the right of the kitchen.

Taehyung followed after him, noticing that there were two bedrooms on either side of the hallway, a bathroom in the middle of the two rooms on the right, and another staircase between the two rooms on the left side. "Why are there so many rooms?" Taehyung asked incredulously, amazed by the sheer size of their cabin. Jungkook chuckled softly as they explored the upstairs, finding another living room with a more open view of the lower floor and the mountains in the distance with the full glass paneling that made up the lower living room back wall. The television was mounted on the wall opposite the opening with a cozy white love seat against the railing. A lovely little light brown end table with doilies was perched underneath the television mounted to the wall.

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