19- Change of Pace

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Hello, all you lovely readers!~♡ I'm back with another update!♡ I hope you all enjoy it!♡ I worked really hard on it because I kept having creative differences about it!~♡ This chapter may be triggering to some since there is domestic violence related and the mention of drugs. Please read at your own risk~♡ Thank you if you do continue to read, but I love all of you so much either way~♡


Taehyung had put his shirt back on now and buttoned up his pants, feeling a slight chill creep over his body from the narcotic. He bundled up in his shirt and buttoned it up to keep himself warm from the drug's effects as he laid on his floor, staring up at the ceiling while a color exhibit danced across the speckled tiles. He was enjoying his high as Jungkook laid beside him with a lazy smile, sighing in content as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung. "That was really good shit," Jungkook commented, tilting his head into Taehyung's chest as he stared up at the ceiling as well. "Did your parents' money buy you that?" Jungkook asked jokingly, flinching backward when Taehyung shot up from the ground.

Taehyung glared at Jungkook angrily, his anger fueled by the drugs coursing through his system at the mention of his parents. "You don't get to talk about them or their money. I worked my ass off being a model child for the money my parents gave me," he shouted angrily, Jungkook hinting a note of the past. Taehyung was heavily slurring each word from the drug, angry about the current situation with his parents as he earned an indignant glare from Jungkook. Jungkook promptly sat up from the ground as well so that Taehyung wouldn't have an advantage over him, his hostility rising now too. "It was a fucking joke! Do you not understand what a fucking joke is anymore?! Who do you think you're shouting at anyway, asshole?!"

"Asshole?!" Taehyung shouted irate, promptly standing to his feet in his rage. "Who do you think you are calling an asshole?! You're one to talk," Taehyung screamed back, only to be shoved aggressively against the wall behind him by Jungkook. Taehyung stared wide-eyed for a moment, his resolve and resentment crumpling like paper being blown away in the wind. Jungkook had moved so hastily that Taehyung hadn't even realized he'd stood up before being shoved. Jungkook held Taehyung by the front of his shirt, repeatedly jerking him off the wall and throwing him back into it in his drug-induced fury. "One to talk?!" Jungkook screamed, still thrashing Taehyung's head into the wall behind him. Taehyung gripped Jungkook's wrists tightly to pry Jungkook's hands off his shirt. "Stop it, asswipe! You're fucking hurting me," Taehyung cried out, smacking Jungkook across the face and raking his nails along the skin.

Before Taehyung knew what had happened, Taehyung felt his head jerk back abruptly. Suddenly, his ears felt both clogged and pierced with a deafening ring as his mind reeled from the aftershock of being punched in the face. He glared at Jungkook once more, only to see the hostility burst free in Jungkook's eyes and his fist connected with Taehyung's face once again. Taehyung groaned softly from the pain, trying to fight back against Jungkook as Jungkook's fist continuously connected with Taehyung's blood-stained face. Although, he knew he wasn't as strong as the other and shoved his knee into Jungkook's groin.

Jungkook dropped to his knees instantly with one hand cupping between his legs, groaning in pain as he cursed under his breath. Taehyung attempted to dash for the door, terrified of what would happen if he remained still. Jungkook turned and reached forward, hooked his hand around Taehyung's ankle and yanked it out from under him so that he couldn't run. Taehyung plummeted to the floor with his hands out to catch himself, a loud gasp escaping his lips as his hands and chest took the full force of his fall. Jungkook had knocked the wind out of him, giving Jungkook enough time to recover before crawling over towards Taehyung. "You rich people have it so hard! All you have to do is sit around on your fat asses and make money! What do you know about real problems?!" he asked, yelling as he slammed Taehyung's slim wrists to the floor below him. Taehyung's entire resolve crumbled as he realized he was completely powerless against Jungkook now, struggling to try and free himself.

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