40- Confessions

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Helllllllloooooooooo, everyone of you lovely readers~♡♡♡ I hope that you are all well and I'm sorry the update is a tad late hourly wise.😔 I tried to have it done and out by 2am my time, but it appears my laptop wanted to fight me.😔🤣😂 Well, there isn't anything too triggering, but please still remain advised when reading~♡♡♡ Although, I will admit that there is a surprise waiting for you guys~♡♡♡ I hope that you all will enjoy this next chapter~♡♡♡


Taehyung's sudden feelings of elation at his mother's words died at Jungkook's question. The harsh tone in his voice still ringing in the heavy silence that followed as Taehyung approached Jungkook, even against the nurse's advisement. Before Taehyung could say anything about the current situation, Jungkook's gaze bore deep into Taehyung's soul with a piercing cut. "I need to be alone right now. I don't want to talk about it until I'm ready," Jungkook spat, crossing his arms over his chest and turning his head away from Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes wavered with deep emotion as he nodded sullenly, taking several steps back from Jungkook's bed. Before Seokjin could stand up and say anything, Taehyung bolted from the nurse's office. Jungkook flinched as if to move to chase after Taehyung until he locked eyes with the nurse. "Are you not going to chase after your fiancé ?" Jungkook asked, venom in his words as he turned away once more. Jungkook was trying desperately not to show that this had severely hurt him as Seokjin stood beside his bed calmly.

Seokjin rubbed his own arm nervously, gathering his courage as he'd done at Namjoon's apartment. "You know, the engagement to that nurse wasn't Taehyung's choice, right? His father demanded that since he couldn't straighten out, he was going to be forced to call the nurse his fiancé..." Seokjin started explaining, earning that same cutting glare from Jungkook. Although Jungkook remained silent as he waited for Seokjin to continue his explanation. It wasn't like they knew each other well enough for Seokjin to be able to say much about the situation.

"I've been blindly chasing the same guy for seven years, overwhelmed by my love for him. He wasn't as blind as you are towards Taehyung though because you just seem to brush aside his feelings. As if they don't exist to you and if you don't start treating Taehyung right... He won't be single for long. He's a very desirable man that anyone would love to get their hands on. I've seen the way Hobi's been eyeing him recently. You're just lucky he picked you," Seokjin added, glancing over at Hyungwon before turning his attention back towards Jungkook to see his angry expression falter.

"You don't seem to understand the amount of anxiety I feel about being in a relationship. I don't want to lose the freedoms that I have while I'm single," Jungkook expressed, his tone softer as he cast his eyes downward. "And it isn't fair that he's compelled me to fall in love with him only to learn that he's engaged to someone else," Jungkook added as Seokjin noticed the teary eyes of a lovelorn man. Seokjin opened his mouth to speak and then closed his mouth once again before turning towards Hyungwon. "Do you mind giving us a moment? I really think this is a private conversation," Seokjin declared, watching as Hyungwon rolled his eyes and shut himself in his back office.

Seokjin turned towards Jungkook once more with a serious yet soft expression. "Look, Taehyung and his mother are going to find a way around this stressing situation. So if I were you, I'd make him my boyfriend before the nurse even has a chance to ask him on a date. Tae likes you. A lot. I know just by watching the way he interacts with you or talks about you. His eyes light up like Christmas lights. It's really cute," Seokjin cooed, losing his train of thought before he cleared his throat in embarrassment. "I just know that... You two would honestly make an amazing couple. I don't want that to slip past Tae because you don't know how long people have on this earth and... it's best to take advantage of the situation. Taehyung would do anything for you right now to make this up to you. Demand he takes you on a date or something, I'm positive he'd do so," Seokjin added, giggling as Jungkook smiled softly at Seokjin's words. "So I'm going to find him and allow you two to talk this out," Seokjin exclaimed, turning towards the door to leave hastily.

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