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Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2 ~ Tʜᴇ Dᴇsᴄᴇɴᴛ Iɴᴛᴏ Hᴇʟʟ Isɴ'ᴛ Eᴀsʏ

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2 ~ Tʜᴇ Dᴇsᴄᴇɴᴛ Iɴᴛᴏ Hᴇʟʟ Isɴ'ᴛ Eᴀsʏ

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★ ★ ★

"When I was 11, Jason was 13 and Isaac was 8, there was an attack on our home." Alisha begins telling their story, Jason and Isaac each holding one of her hands in support, knowing it's a tough subject for her. "Werewolves sent by Valentine."


Young Alisha and young Jason are running around their home, their seraph blades in hand. There parents and Isaac watch them both, Alisha running away from her brother after stealing one of his knives and Jason chasing her around. Isaac smiles and joins in, jumping on Jason's back. Distant howls fill their ears making the three stop in there tracks.

"Mom, dad what was that?" Jason asks his parents and they walk to a window.

"I thought the nearest pack was an hour away?" Alisha asks her parents, growing more scared by the second just like Isaac was. Her older brother senses that they're scared and walks over to them, pulling them both into his side. Alisha drops her blade and wraps her arms around her brothers, enjoying the comfort.

"Honey..." their dad says after seeing some werewolves running towards their house.

"Jason, get your sister and brother out of here. Now!" Their mom shouts and Jason pulls Alisha and Isaac along, his seraph blade in hand.

"Mom! Dad!" Alisha screams wanting to stop but Jason doesn't let her. Isaac obeys, not understanding what's happening unlike his sister. Jason wants, no he needs to protect his younger sister and brother. The three siblings hear growls and barks getting louder and louder. Just as Jason reaches the basement, Alisha gets out of his grip, running back to their parents. There's a loud scream and then a thud causing Alisha to run faster.

"Alisha!" Jason and Isaac scream after her, trying to chase after her but she's too fast. When she gets back into the living room, she sees two large wolves staring at her, their teeth bared and soaked in blood. But that's not what made the 11 year old scream out. Her fathers body torn up and lying limp on the floor did. Her mother sees her daughter from the room beside them and rushes in. She sees a wolf about to pounce onto Alisha and quickly rushes forwards, blocking her daughters body with hers. Jason watches his mother get impaled by the wolfs claws and he lets out a deafening scream, covering for Isaacs eyes so he doesn't see. Alisha winces loudly, the wolfs claws catches her collar bone. Her hand reaches up to the scars, trying to stop the blood. She looks at her mother's body lying limp by the side of the couch. The wolf growls loudly at her and she screams loudly. This makes her older brother snap back to reality and rush to his sister aid. Jason quickly stabs the wolf by his sister in the back making it wince and limp backwards. The second wolf jumps at Jason but Alisha grabs her mother's seraph blade and cuts open its stomach. Isaac runs to his brother standing beside him. Unfortunately, the wolfs claws manage to reach Jason's arm and Isaacs leg making them groan in pain, stumbling back a bit. Alisha drops the blade as she struggles to stay awake. She looks around the room and sees her dead parents and two dead wolves. She looks up and sees her older brother sitting beside her, worry filling his eyes as he looks down at their younger brother who is squirming in pain.

Impossible • ALEC LIGHTWOOD {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now