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Episode 12 ~ Alishec

Episode 12 ~ Alishec

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With the stele, Lydia takes the rune and is about to put it on Alec's wrist, when a door slams. Alisha walks in and her brothers stand at the doorway, almost like they're guarding her. Alisha and Alec look at each other. They don't have to say anything. Everyone looks at the Lotova's. Maryse has a look that could kill and she glares at Alisha.

"What's that werewolf doing here?" She spits and Alisha pretends to not be fazed by her words. Jace, who was standing behind Alec, turns to Izzy, who is standing behind Lydia.

"Izzy, I thought Alisha wasn't coming?" He whispers.

"I called her, she didn't answer so I left a voicemail. I didn't think she'd show." She smiles, looking at her friend. Maryse stands up and storms over to Alisha.

"Alisha, leave this wedding now." She spits.

"Maryse, as much as I admire you, this is between me and your son. I'll leave if he asks me to." She holds up her hand making her brothers smile proudly.

"Are you gonna be okay, buddy?" Jace asks Alec who stands frozen.

"Alec?" Alec looks back at Lydia. "Hey." She smiles.

"I... I can't breathe." He says.

"I know. It's okay." She says comfortingly.

"I can't do this. I thought we were doing the right thing, but... this isn't it." He says quickly.

"You don't have to explain." She smiles.

"Lydia, I'm sorry." Alec says glancing back at Alisha almost as if he's dreaming of her and that's she's be gone when he woke up.

"Hey, you deserve to be happy. Okay? I'll be fine." She says honsetly and Alec nods. He turns back to face Alisha. He gets down from the aisle and walks towards Alisha.

"Alec, what are you doing?" His mother tries to stop him.

"Enough." He says firmly and continues to walk towards Alisha. He grabs her waist gently and kisses her passionately. She's shocked at first but kisses back, wrapping her arms around his neck. They continue to kiss for a while but eventually pull away.

"I thought..." Alisha begins.

"It was always going to be you." He breathes out making her smile and peck his lips again. Alec and Alisha look over at Robert and Maryse as they walk out with sour looks on their faces. Alisha looks down. Izzy goes over to her brother and friend, a smile on her face. Jason and Isaac walk up to and stand behind their sister, patting her back slightly. Alec rests his hand on Alishas lower back.

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