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Episode 3 ~ Dead Man's Party

Episode 3 ~ Dead Man's Party

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After killing all of the vampires, the group rush to go and find Clary and Jace. Jason and Isaac, still in their wolf forms, stand in front of the group protectively. They walk into another room and see Jace being attacked by some men and Clary being held up by another. Alec gets ready to shoot the vamp holding Clary, but he has pushes her in front of him.

"Okay." Alec shoots into the wall and a ray of sunshine shines through the opening. The vamp burns in the sun as Clary and Jace kill the rest. By the end, Clary stands there looking mortified.

"I killed him." She says looking at the blade in her hand.

"He was already dead." Jace tells the girl.

"Plus, he wanted to kill you. Remember that." Isabelle says as Alisha stands by Alec, Isaac and Jason. Izzy turns to Jace. "She did great, right?"

"Yeah, you did. You should be proud." He says with a small smile.

"Thanks, but... it's not about me. Let's go find Simon." Clary says and they all rush off to find the mundane. The group walks into a room and see Simon being held by a male vampire.

"Simon!" Clary shouts running forwards but Jace holds her back.

"Clary! That's not gonna do any good." He says.

"Listen to him, Clary Fairchild. Put it away. I've had more than enough of your friend for one day. I'd love to cut his throat. Don't give me a reason. Put it away!" The Shadowhunters put their weapons away but Jason growls loudly. "Shut it mongrel." He says and Alisha steps forwards protectively. Jason growls again.

"Jason." Alisha scolds, knowing it will only make it worse. Jason growls one last time, but stops and stands up straight.


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"Simon. Simon, are you all right?" Clary asks Simon, worried for her friend.

"I wouldn't say all right-" Simon begins.

"Stop talking! Now... if you would all just follow me. Let's go." He gestures the room behind him and walks to some stairs, everyone following close behind. The vampire holds a dagger to Simons throat. "Come on, let's go! Up here now! That's right, get down there now! Get down there or I'll kill him right now!"

"Look, we're not gonna hurt you. We just want Simon." Clary tries to negotiate whilst Isaac snaps his jaws at the vampire.

"I'm glad you do. We don't! We wanted you." He shouted at the Fairchild.

"Well, here I am." Clary says stepping forwards aggressively but Jason and Isaac growl and Jace holds her back. Alishas eyes flash green as she stares at the vampire.

"Stop!" Jace shouts at Clary who struggles against his grip.

"I said 'wanted'. Not my idea. Now, get out! Go!" The vampire shouts at the Shadowhunters and werewolves.

"Not without Simon." Clary pleads and Alisha locks eyes with her brothers, silently telling them to go outside.

"Shut up! Open that door right now or I'll kill him right here!" The vamp snarls and Jason struts up the stairs with his younger brother, standing between his sister and Alec.

"Listen to him!" Jace orders at every one.

"But Simon will die if-" clary begins but Alec opens the door and sunlight shines in the hallway. The vampire hides behind some pipes, Simon still in his grasp. Alec grips Alishas arm and pulls her out of the building, followed by the wolves and his sister.

"Clary, go!" Simon shouts to his best friend.

"Go! Go! Go!" Jace commands.

"Go! Take him! Go!" The vampire pushes Simon towards the exit. Before he leaves, Simon turns to the vamp.

"I don't know how to thank you." He says.

"Don't thank me. You mean nothing. This is about Valentine and the chaos he can bring." He responds and Jace turns to Simon.

"Come on!" He shouts and pushes him out of the hotel.

"Jace Wayland!" Jace turns to the vampire. "Remember who your friends are." Jace shuts the door behind him and walks on the roof.

"Shouldn't we get the hell out of here?" Simon asks and Jace groans.

"Why, Simon?" He asks annoyed.

"They're right downstairs." He points at the door.

"Let them come after us. They'll just turn into a bunch of fried eggs out here. I thought you said you watch movies." Jace says and goes over to Alec and Izzy. Alisha stands beside her brothers who had transformed back.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God, it's over. It's actually over." Clary goes to Simon and grabs his shoulders. "I was so afraid I would lose you. But it's true, you're actually here."

"You know I'd do anything for you." Simon sighs.

"You don't have to die!" Clary exclaims.

"I'd rather not do that." Simon laughs and they hug.

"I couldn't live without you." She mumbles.

"Say that again." Simon states.

"I couldn't live without you, Simon. You're all I have left. My whole life just disappeared. I'm supposed to... be this other thing, live this other way. You're my best friend." She rambles and kisses him on the cheek and Simon's smile fades. He looks disappointed. "Don't you ever, ever let yourself get in that kind of trouble again. Okay? Yeah?" Clary asks. Simon kisses Clary on the cheek and they hug again.

"Well... no accounting for taste." Isabelle says to her brothers and the Lotova's whilst applying some lip gloss.

"Yeah, you should talk." Alec turns to Jace. "Look, can I just say one thing?"

"You will, whatever I say, so shoot." Jace responds and Alec sighs.

"You think you know Clary, right? But you may not. Think about who her father is." Alec states.

"You know what, Alec? Do not start this again with me, Alec." Jace says his voice getting firmer.

"She just came out of nowhere, Jace." Alec states.

"She has no one." Jace comments.

"Just listen to me for one second-" Jace cuts off his parabatai.

"Alec, stop!" Jace suddenly screams making everyone turn to him. Jace looks back at Clary and then quickly turns back to Alec, his voice becoming softer. "Just stop."

"I'm older than you, Jace. I'm not in your shadow." Alec states making Alisha look at him with a sorrowful expression.

"If you really feel that way about her... why did you help us tonight?" Jace asks and Alec walks away. Jace looks at Clary and Clary looks back. When Simon looks at Clary, he can see the vein in her neck pounding. Alisha and Isabelle quickly follow Alec whilst Jace, Isaac and Jason watch them run off.

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