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Episode 8 ~ Bad Blood

Episode 8 ~ Bad Blood

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The morning after, Alisha walks back into the institute after staying the night with her brothers at Jade Wolf. She sees Izzy snatch the Mortal cup from Clary with her whip.

"There's nothing a Shadowhunter can't do in heels." She smirks making Alisha smile.

"Amen sister." She says and Izzy smiles at the girl. She turns back to Clary and hands her the cup after seeing the look she was receiving.

"Alec, what are you doing?" Jace says walking to his parabatai who was staring at a monitor. "You can stare at this monitor all you want, they need angel blood to get past the wards. You know that." Clary puts the Cup back into the tarot card and Alisha stands beside Alec and Jace. "No Downworlder can come into the Institute."

"Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter." Alisha and Izzy remind them all.

"Last I checked, Valentine is a Shadowhunter. The Cup is not safe here. We have to give it back to the Clave." Alec states and Alisha frowns, knowing he's right.

"Give it back to the Clave? No. Not after everything we went through to get it." Clary denies.

"Clary..." she tries to think how she'll put it.

"My brother is right. The Cup is extremely important." Isabelle finishes for Alisha, seeing how she had trouble with phrasing it.

"Are you agreeing with me?" He asks the girls who give him unamused looks.

"I'm full of surprises." The younger Lightwood smiles.

"This Cup is the one chance I have at getting my mom back." Clary says mainly to Alisha, pleading her to agree.

"I agree with Clary. We can't give the Cup to the Clave, not now. We need it. It's our only bargaining chip." Jace says and Alec rolls his eyes.

"Look, I know how powerful this Cup is. It has the power to create new Shadowhunters, control demons and even kill a mundane if they drank from it. But I promise you, I will not let that monster get his hands on it." Clary states.

"There you go. You have her word." Jace says making Alec sigh.

"Follow me." Alec leads Clary to the vault-tile in the training area. He activates the rune on the floor and a display comes up.

"Alec, I realize I couldn't have done any of this without your help. I wanna thank you." She says to him. Alec looks unfazed. He places the card in the dis"play.

"Don't misread this as friendship. Since you've arrived, our whole world's been turned upside down." Alec seals the vault and walk back to the others. Clary follows after but takes her phone out in the process. She calls Simon but it goes to voicemail.

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