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Episode 4 ~ Raising Hell

Episode 4 ~ Raising Hell

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Once the group gets to the Downworlder rave, Alec, Izzy, Jason and Alisha make sure there's no danger whilst Jace and Clary walk outside to get in line. Isaac said that he was staying with Gretel, which the siblings didn't object to at all.

"Be safe alright?" Alec asks as he stands by Alisha. She stops moving, shocked that what the shadowhunter just said to her. Izzy and Jason watch from afar, Izzy has a knowing smirk on her face whilst Jason scowls at Alec.

"What?" She asks, her heart beginning to beat faster. She knows her brother can hear it but it doesn't matter. Alec turns to the girl.

"Be safe." He says with a small smile.

"Yeah, yeah." She nods. "Can't promise anything though. Plus, you need to be safe too." Alec laughs and nods. The four then go back over to Jace and Clary.

"All clear." Alec states whilst Izzy links her arms with Clary.

"Do you think red's my color?" She asks the ginger who looks back at her.

"Iz, with a body like yours, everything's your color." She compliments making Izzy smirk.

"Good point. Damn, I make this necklace look so good." Isabelle states, touching the necklace slightly.

"Will you take it off? I'm certain Magnus Bane doesn't want drool on his ruby when we make the exchange." Alec says, worried about the mission. Alisha stands beside her brother, in front of the group. Since they're respected by most downworlders, it will be less suspicious if they walk in with the Lotova's.

"You know, I wouldn't be so sure." Izzy says referring to Alec's earlier comment. "Most men like it when I admire their jewels." Alisha chokes on air and everyone tries to hide their laughter.

"Can you just give it to Jace?" Alec says rolling his eyes at his sisters joke.

"You are such a buzzkill." Izzy sighs and takes the necklace off, handing it to Jace. Soon enough, they reach the bouncer and walk in quickly. Clary sticks beside Jace since they're going to meet Magnus. Jason walks off with Izzy and Alisha goes with Alec.

"Blend in. But keep your weapons ready." Jace reminds the four who nod and walk off, leaving him to spot Magnus. Alisha watches the encounter with Alec from afar and Alec looks around for any danger.

"Why don't you hate me?" She asks all of a sudden making the shadowhunter look at her with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" He asks, completely shocked she actually asked that.

"I mean, I came from nowhere just like Clary but you don't treat me like you treat her. You actually seem to like me, why?" She asks and Alec sighs.

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