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Episode 10 ~ This World Inverted

Episode 10 ~ This World Inverted

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Simon approaches Clary and Alisha who are standing in a park by a trailer. He smiles at his friends.

"Hey. Where have you two been? We've been texting you for, like, 20 minutes. Alec's worried about you." He says to Alisha who frowns slightly. Oh god, Alec's my boyfriend she suddenly realises.

"Simon, get out of the sun." Clary pushes Simon under an umbrella.

"Hey, what the hell?" Clary looks shocked. "I know that look. Caffeine deprivation. Come on, Tweek." Simon takes Clary's hand and they walk to Alec and Izzy's table. Alisha follows behind them. Alec stands up at the sight of his girlfriend and kisses her. She kisses back, forgetting about everything for a second. Her dimension edges become blurry and she zones out.

"Simon, I do not have time for coffee today." Clary states.

"No, no, no. I know that look in your eye. And when you get that look, I either have to caffeinate you immediately or accept full responsibility for you killing someone. And you know how I am with blood."Simon goes to the truck. Izzy, wearing glasses and a Star Wars shirt, looks at Clary's Portal shard necklace. Clary looks around and whispers to Laisha.

"Where are your brothers?" She asks and Alisha shrugs.

"I don't know." She says and goes over to sit on Alec's lap.

"Is that new?" She asks the ginger who looks down instinctively.

"Yes, I got it a couple days ago." Clary states.

"Oh, it goes with your dress? Because you're getting ready at my place tonight, right? You two." She looks between Clary and Alisha. The blonde nods, slowly becoming consumed by this new dimension. Clary begins to notice and 'accidentally' hits the table causing Alisha to jolt up. She looks at Clary and nods indicating she's back to her normal self.

"Ready for what?" Clary asks now Alisha is okay.

"That is not even a little bit funny. I have poured my heart and soul into planning this anniversary party for the Institute. And the theme is amazing." Alec states and Alisha wraps her arm around his neck, trying not to be awkward. He kisses his girlfriends cheek. "But, seriously, what is with this guy and the Mad Hatter?"

"Visionaries are quirky crazy. You don't get 4D Internet tech thinking inside the box." Isabelle states.

"I'm beginning to wonder if you don't have a thing for your boss." Alisha smirks at Alec's words, imagining that Izzy from her dimension would have a crush on Valentine.

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