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Episode 3 ~ Dead Man's Party

Episode 3 ~ Dead Man's Party

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Alisha follows the vampires scent up to the Hotel DuMort near Gansevoort Street. The wolf sniffs around and catches Simons scent. She's about to get inside, but then rethinks it. Her against a clan of vampires, she'd never win. So the hybrid runs away from Hotel DuMort and towards the institute, ready to tell everyone where Simon is. She reaches the steps to the abandoned church where the institute is hidden, and she transforms back into her human form. The hybrid steps into the institute and sees Clary walking towards the door. She quickly steps in front of her, shocking everyone in the room.

"If you go alone, you'll get yourself killed and Simon." Alisha says, guessing that's why she's walking out. Clary groans and walks back to the others.

"Then help me. While we consider other options, my best friend is suffering. Is that something Shadowhunters understand or am I just being a mundane?" Clary asks and Alisha stands between Alec and Jason.

"Clary's right. They made the first move. We're gonna take care of this ourselves, right now." Jace says and Jason leans down to his sisters height.

"You didn't attack on your own? I'm surpried." He says and Alisha rolls her eyes.

"You know sometimes I listen to you." She responds making Jason laugh shortly.

"Sometimes being a key word in that sentence." Isaac smirks making Alisha scoff. The three focus back at the conversation.

"This is a bad idea. I-" Alec begins but Jace cuts him off.

"What, have you got a better one? Look, the vamps broke the Accords. They kidnapped a mundie. That's a big no-no. The Clave will give us a lecture and then they'll be glad we did it. Come on."

"Hard to argue with that." Izzy shrugs.

"Even if we went ahead, I don't see how we get out of here without having to explain where we're going. We need weapons, and we can't let anyone see us get them." Alec states.

"I know where to get what we need." Jace says and they follow him out of the institute and towards Simons van which was parked outside. "Jason, can you drive?"

"Yeah." He takes the keys off of Clary and opens the car, getting into the drivers seat. Jace gets in the passenger seat whilst the others get in the back. The Lightwoods look at the other Lotova's, very confused.

"He's the only other one with a mundane license." Alisha states and they both nod understanding. She sits beside Clary, placing her hand comfortingly on her arm trying to make her feel better. Her youngest brother sits on her other side.

Jason drives to some sort of Graveyard and he abruptly stops causing everyone to jolt forwards. When they get out, Alisha slaps the back of her brothers head, making him wince. The three Lotova's stand back.

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