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Episode 4 ~ Raising Hell

Episode 4 ~ Raising Hell

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Clary walks into the living room with Zoe stuck on her side. Alisha immediately embraces her brother in a hug once he walks in after her. She tells him she's okay before turning back to Clary.

"Magnus." The Fairchild shouts and Zoe runs into Magnus's arms.

"Go join the others, my dear. This is no place for a little girl. Go." Zoe runs up to Alisha and Jason, wrapping her arms around Alishas neck. The hybrid lifts the girl up and places her on the sofa, sitting next to her. Jason sits on the other side of Zoe.

"You'll be alright." She kisses Zoe's forehead as the young warlock nuzzles into the elder girls side.

"Where's uncle Isaac?" The girl asks sadly.

"He's with his girlfriend." Jason says. An older warlock walks over with a small smile on her face.

"Come on, my child." She holds her hand out for Zoe to take, which she does. The woman gives a grateful smile to Alisha and Jason as she walks off.

"You sure your alright?" Jason asks as he wipes the dried blood off of his sisters arm. She lets out a long breath and nods.

"I'm fine." She states.

"All right. But we're not safe here. The lair's location has been compromised. Hold tight, everyone, we're about to move." Magnus says and uses his magic effectively taking them all to a different location. He portals the warlocks to a safer place whilst he stays in the apartment with the others. "Ah, much better." He turns around. "Ugh, it's inevitable. After each move, I get the itch to redecorate. Normally, I love a dirty lair, but this one is just sloppy." Magnus puts his foot on the table and the table flips over. He goes over to Izzy. "I believe in payment for services rendered. Thank you for defending the warlocks." He holds up the necklace and Isabelle shakes her head.

"I couldn't." She says.

"Oh, but you could. And you should." Magnus puts the necklace around Izzy's neck. "The Lightwoods have been wearing this for years. Besides, this would look silly on your brother."

"Okay, so how do we summon the memory demon?" Clary asks, trying to get her memories back.

"Are you certain? Summoning such a powerful demon could be lethal." The warlock asks.

"I'll do anything to save my mother. Where is the demon?" She asks.

"Okay. Pretty boy, get your team ready." Magnus states and Jace steps forwards.

"I know what to do." He says but Magnus shakes his head.

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to..." he points at Alec. "you." Alisha smirks at Alec causing him to smile but he quickly shrugs when Jace looks at him. "Come with me." Magnus says to Clary. They walk into another room.

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