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Episode 6 ~ Of Men and Angels

Episode 6 ~ Of Men and Angels

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After a few minutes, Magnus becomes visibly paler and much more weak. Alisha kneels beside him and offers her hand but he shakes his head, not wanting to hurt his dear friend.

"I'm running out of magic." Magnus shouts making Clary panic.

"What do I do?" She asks frantically.

"I can't leave him, but the potion stock still needs Komodo scale. Find it, add the rest when they get here. You'll have to feed it to Luke." Magnus states.

"What about you?" Clary asks.

"I'll hold on as long as I can. Go!" He shouts and Clary runs out.

"Magnus, take my hand." Alisha commands holding out his hand but the stubborn warlock continues to deny it.

"Peanut, I don't want-" he begins but she quickly cuts him off.

"Now is not the time Magnus!" She shouts and forcefully takes his hand. She looks into his eyes. "Take what you need." He nods hesitantly and Alisha feels her strength fade away. The hybrid hears footsteps approaching and she sniffs, recognising the scent. Jason, Isaac and Alec.

"Alisha!" Jason shouts when he sees his sisters pale face. The brothers step forwards but she holds up her spare hand to stop them. Just then, Jace and Simon run in.

"Clary!" They all hear them shout.

"Do you have it?" Clary asks quickly and Jace answers.

"Yeah." He gives Clary the ingredients and she nods gratefully.

"Thanks." She finishes the potion and gives it to Luke quickly. He groans and wakes up. An exhausted Magnus falls against Alisha's body. The hybrid holds him up with the rest of her strength and looks up and Luke.

"Hey... guys." He winces looking between the Lotova's and the Fairchild. His eyes stop on Alisha, noticing how weak she looks. She mouths 'I'm fine' but he doesn't looks convinced. Alisha turns down to Magnus, worry etched on her features.

"You okay?" She asks and Magnus smiles slightly.

"Yeah." He slowly gets up and Alisha falls back onto the floor, very exhausted. She expects to hit the cold surface, but someone pulls her into their chest. She looks up and sees Alec looking down at her with a small smile.

"Thankyou." She says weakly causing the shadowhunters smile to widen.

"Your welcome." He says. The two don't know how long they held each other, but the both thought the same thing. It felt right.

"Alisha, if you hadn't offered your energy Luke may not have survived... so thankyou." Clary says to the girl as she gets herself a glass of water. Alisha smiles.

"You seem to forget that I see Luke as a father to me too. He's done everything for my brothers and I and I would do anything for him." She looks at Clary as she smiles. "But, your welcome." Just then, Jace walks in making Alisha smile at him kindly. "I'll go see my brothers." She says to Clary and nods respectfully at Jace as she walks out. When she gets back to the living room she sees her brothers standing there waiting. "Hey."

"Hi." Isaac smiles whereas Jason just stays emotionless.

"You alright?" He asks and Alisha nods.

"Yeah, thanks for talking to Maryse." She says and her brothers smile at her.

"Of course, we know you couldn't." Isaac says and then shoots her an apologetic look and she shakes it off.

"You sure your okay?" Jason asks again when he sees his sisters pale face. She rolls her eyes but nods anyway.

"I'm fine, thanks for your concern though." Alisha teases making Jason rolls his eyes.

"Whatever." He states and Alisha stands up.

"Aww, you love me!" She says pinching her older brothers cheeks. Isaac watches, laughing. Though none of them know, Alec is standing by the door also watching the siblings interactions. He smiles seeing the girl he's grown so fond of smile. Alisha wraps her arms around both of her brothers and pulls them into a hug. When she pulls away, she finally notices Alec in the doorway. "One sec." she says to her brothers as Alec begins to walk away. She quickly runs after him. "Alec!" She shouts making him turn.

"You okay?" He asks, slightly concerned. She nods.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say thankyou for coming tonight, it means a lot." She thanks making him look down, blush crawling onto his cheeks.

"Of course, your welcome." He stutters making Alisha smile at his nervousness.

"Are you going back to the institute?" She asks and Alec shrugs.

"I was planning on it." He states and Alisha shakes her head.

"Magnus has a spare room if you want?" She offers but Alec shakes his head.

"No it's fine, I'll just go back to the institute." He states but she still denies.

"It's late Alec." She states and Alec sighs.

"Fine." She smiles in victory. "Where will you stay?"

"Oh, my brothers and I have a room here, we usually bunk here when we are too drunk to face Luke and Jocelyn, which is too often." She says making Alec smile. "It's across the hall from the room you'll be staying in, I can show you but I need to help Magnus clean first."

"It's fine, I'll find it. Thankyou Alisha." He says warmly and walks off leaving a blushing Alisha.

Magnus walks into the living room and sees Alisha cleaning Luke's blood off of the table whilst her brothers take empty glasses and cleans them.

"You know I have magic for that, right?" He asks the siblings who just stare at Alisha who forced them to help.

"You've already used most of it Magnus." She then turns to her brothers. "And you both better stop glaring." They both get back to cleaning as Alisha stands up.

"You let Alec stay?" He asks curiously and Alisha sighs.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." She says and Magnus shakes his head slowly.

"It's fine little wolf." He says and Alisha smiles at the old nickname. "He's a nice boy, your lucky."

"Why am I lucky?" Alisha asks confused as she gets back to cleaning up the blood. Magnus snorts.

"I see the way you look at each other, your basically undressing each other with your eyes." Alisha blushes furiously whilst her brothers clear their throats. "Oops, forgot they were into the room." Magnus whispers but they all hear.

"Next time, maybe check before you speak." Jason warns the warlock who nods, giving Alisha one last smile before walking out. The Lotova girl turns to her brothers who both have the same look on their face.

"What? It was him who said it!" She says and they both groan at their sister.

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