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Episode 3 ~ Dead Man's Party

Episode 3 ~ Dead Man's Party

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Once the group get to the institute, Jason waits outside transforming into his wolf self feeling like he'll need it for what as to come. Alisha an Alec walk in casually and go straight to the weapons room. He opens the shelf with the weapons in and quickly grabs his bow and arrows. Alisha goes and sits on the table watching as he runes some arrows.

"You need a weapon?" Alec asks and Alisha nods, stealing his seraph blade making him groan.

"Not anymore." She smirks but quickly looks down after seeing his annoyed face. "I'll just go get you a..." she points at the weapon shelf and Alec nods. She grabs a seraph blade and passes it to Alec who smiles slightly. He quickly gets back to running his arrows as Alisha watches intently.

"You alright?" He asks her after seeing she was staring at the wall. Alisha looks at him and smiles.

"Yeah, I'm fine you?" He nods at the hybrid, not believing she's alright. He's about to talk to her but another shadowhunter walks up to them making the Alisha jump startled.

"Alec." He says and Alec turns around quickly, surprised. He places the arrow on the table. The shadowhunter turns to Alisha, wondering who she is. "And you are?"

"Alisha. Alisha Lotova." She holds out his hand and he shakes it.

"Lotova's. Your parents were amazing soldiers." He says kindly.

"You knew my parents?" The man nods.

"I'm Hodge Starkweather." He smiles warmly and turns back to Alec. "Didn't know you were here."

"Yeah, no, I, uh..." Alec stutters.

"Can't lie." Alisha mutters and Alec nudges her ribs.

"Don't tell me. I don't wanna have to report you." Hodge states, looking at the arrows.

"It's just that, you know, Clary is-" Alec begins.

"That girl is Valentine's-" Hodge's rune begins searing and Alisha jumps off the table as the man hunches over. She holds his arm, helping him stand up.

"Are you alright?" She asks and he nods at her gratefully.

"The monster's daughter." He finishes. "There must be some reason why the roaches are coming out of the woodwork again, right? I'll leave you to it."

"Hodge? Thank you." Alec says just as the man walks off. Hodge stops and turns around.

"You remind me of me, Alec. A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one." Alec scoffs. "Hey... Don't make the same mistakes I did. Look where it got me." He says and walks out. Alisha looks at Alec who seems to be thinking. She nudges him gently and he quickly looks around. He grabs his bow and arrows and they both quickly walk out, meeting Jason in his wolf form outside. Alisha smiles at her brother who walks by her side. Alec looks down at Jason.

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