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Episode 11 ~ Blood Calls to Blood

Episode 11 ~ Blood Calls to Blood

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Alisha and Clary watch as Michael Wayland, Jace's father, comes out of the locker he was locked in. Jace stands their shocked.

"Dad?" He winces, still in pain.

"Son." Michael sighs and they hug tightly. Alisha smiles slightly. "Oh, Jace. I can't believe it. Son, you're hurt. How did you find me?"

"You're dead. Valentine killed you. Valentine's here." Jace stutters.

"No, Jace. It's me." He looks at Alisha and Clary. "I'm Michael Wayland. I'm Jace's father. Look, I know what Jace told you, but I've been here for ten years. Valentine took off and left me."

"And Jocelyn Fairchild?" Clary asks, wanting to find her mother.

"He took her with him. You are?" He asks the girls.

"I'm Clary, her daughter." She says.

"I'm Alisha Lotova." Alisha says and looks at Michael who is standing there shocked.

"Meliorn, the Seelie, told me that he was here with her." Clary finishes. The demon venom in his blood takes over and Jace almost falls to the ground.

"Jace, no! It's Ravener venom. He kept telling us he was all right." Clary says.

"We have to find your father, not my father. Valentine's..." he trails off.

"His stele. Where is it?" Alisha takes all their blades so they're not holding them. Michael finds the Ace of Cups in Jace's jacket. Clary quickly takes the card from him.

"Back pocket." She says and he nods.

"Back pocket. Get it." He says and she passes him the stele. He activates his sons iratze but it doesn't work.

"What's wrong?" Clary asks expecting Michael to answer but Alisha does instead.

"The rune is weak." She says.

"Ravener venom must be spreading. We have to get him help. We closed the Portal." Clary states and Alisha nods.

"Valentine's got a standing Portal. Let's go. Hey, Jace, stay with me. Hey. Do you remember our first demon fight? We were way out past the Institute, way up at Kinshasa. You were only eight, but you were so brave. Do you remember what you said?" Michael tries to distract Jace.

"'I'm ready to die.'" Jace remembers.

"And then I said, 'Sometimes it's as brave to live as it is to die.' Do you remember?" Michael says.

"I do. It's true. It's you." They have an emotional moment and the girls watch happy Jace is finally happy as well.

"Let's go." Michael states and they go through the portal.

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