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Episode 13 ~ Morning Star

Episode 13 ~ Morning Star

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Alisha stands with her brothers, still in Gretel's dress, as she waits for Alec to finish talking with his parents. Her brothers stand side by side as they smile at their sister.

"We're really proud of you." Isaac says happily.

"Yeah we are..." Jason looks around. "Do you know where Alec is?"

"Oh my god. You can do you overprotective brother talk later, right now he's talking to his parents who I think hate me now." She scoffs making her brothers look at her sadly.

"They don't hate you, just give them time." Alec says approaching them from behind. Jason and Isaac look at each other and walk off, giving the new couple their moment.

"On a scale of one to ten, how unpleasant was it?" Alisha asks and he sighs.

"Off the charts. Yeah, I've never seen them so angry, but I know it'll pass over." Alec says trying to comfort the girl.

"Do you regret it?" Alisha asks suddenly shocking Alec.

"Everything happened so fast. I didn't have time to think. But I don't regret it." He kisses her cheek. "Right now, I just wanna make sure Lydia's okay. Now I owe her so much."

"We both owe her Alec. What she did was nothing short of heroic. Hey, look, maybe we can slow things down? Why don't we start with that date you owe me?" Alisha says making Alec smirk.

"Yeah, let's do that." He says as they walk towards Roberts study.

"I'm sure Magnus knows some-" They go into Robert's study and see Lydia lying on the ground.

"Lydia!" Alec shouts running towards the unconscious woman. Alisha stand their shocked but quickly rushes to her. She checks her pulse. It's weak, but still their. She nods at Alec and he activates Lydia's iratze. She weakly opens her eyes. "Go get help." He says to Alisha who nods and runs out of the room to find a medic. "You're gonna be okay." Alec says to Lydia.

"Hodge..." she croaks out and three shadowhunters run into the room with Alisha.

Alec and Magnus go to the infirmary to check on Lydia whilst Izzy, Jace, Alisha, Isaac, Jason and Clary are looking at the monitor. After a while, Alec walks up to them.

"How's Lydia?" Clary asks as Alec places an arm around Alishas waist. The group smile at them.

"Better. Magnus is doing what he can to help her, but it's bad. And the Cup is definitely missing." He states.

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