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Episode 11 ~ Blood Calls to Blood

Episode 11 ~ Blood Calls to Blood

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Alisha smiles smugly at the Inquisitor who has a look of shock on her face after hearing Magnus's words. Imogen turns to Lydia and raises her eyebrows as to say 'continue'.

"I'd like to call Isabelle Lightwood to the stand." She says standing up. Izzy turns to her brother and friend who give her reassuring nods. She smiles slightly and walks up to the stand beside Imogen.

"You have led us to believe that you alone carried out this operation. But Clary Fairchild was seen near the City of Bones that night." Lydia states and Izzy looks at her.

"Maybe she was out for a walk." She comments but Lydia doesn't believe it.

"And you expect us to believe that you distracted the guards, and escaped with the prisoner on your own?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Pretty slick, right?" Izzy smirks and turns to the inquisitor.

"I suggest you think about how slick it would be when Valentine uses the Mortal Cup to raise an army of rogue Shadowhunters." She tells the young shadowhunter who frowns.

"I don't want Valentine to succeed." She states.

"Well, that's the first sane thing I've heard from you." The inquisitor rolls her eyes and faces the crowd.

"You know what's insane? Thinking we have the right to treat a Downworlder's life as worthless." Izzy states making Alisha smile slightly.

"Isabelle, I should warn you that everything you say here will be considered in the verdict." Lydia warns.

"Good. Consider this." She stands up. "Valentine didn't come out of nowhere. We use our angel blood to justify everything we do, just like him. Like him, we forget that we are not only angels. We are part mundane. We can be afraid. And fear makes us cruel. And we turn our fear to Downworlders just as Valentine did. And just as he did, we will end up turning on each other." She stares at Alisha who doesn't attempt to bid her smile. She mouths a 'thankyou' to Izzy who nods back.

"You think we're doing that to you?" Imogen asks, ignoring the two.

"You have to answer that for yourself, Madam Inquisitor." Izzy spits turning back towards her. She storms off of the stand and back to her seat. Magnus smiles at the girl warmly and then stands up.

"I'd like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand." He states and the inquisitor frowns.

"I don't see the relevance." She comments emotionlessly.

"Well, that makes two of us. I don't see the relevance of this whole trial. Ms. Branwell? If you'll take the stand?" Magnus questions. Lydia hesitantly walks over to the stand after receiving a nod from Imogen Herondale. "I just have one question. Why are you prosecuting this case?" Magnus asks and she turns back to her boss.

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