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Episode 12 ~ Alishec

Episode 12 ~ Alishec

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Izzy approaches Jace and Clary when they're back in the Institute. Alisha stands a bit further back, not feeling good that she's back at the institute with all of this wedding stuff going on.

"Jace, you're coming to Alec's bachelor party, right?" Izzy says and gives Alisha an apologetic look. She nods signalling that it's okay.

"No. He doesn't want me there, and I'm swamped." Jace states.

"You two seriously haven't worked things out yet?" Izzy asks becoming impatient.

"There's nothing to work out. If he wants to talk, we'll talk." Jace comments.

"He's your parabatai." Izzy says and Jace sees Lydia talking to someone.

"We have more important things going on than a bachelor party. Come with me."Alisha, Clary and Izzy follow Jace to another room. "We have a mole in the Institute." He states.

"We were attacked by a Shax demon when we went to see Ragnor Fell." Clary adds.

"The attack couldn't have been coincidence. Valentine must have been tracking us." Alisha says coldly.

"You don't think someone from the Institute told Valentine where you were going?" Izzy asks and Alisha shrugs.

"There's no other explanation." Clary says.

"No one here would betray us like that. This is our family." Izzy says firmly and Jace looks at Lydia from a distance.

"Not everyone's family yet. I swear, if Lydia is the leak, I'm gonna-" Jace says.

"Slow down. We don't know if she did anything yet." Clary says.

"And wrongfully accusing someone of a crime is dangerous. Trust me, I've been through it." Alisha grabs Izzy's hand for comfort. She smiles at the girl.

"Lydia was right there when we were talking about Ragnor Fell. If she's not gonna admit what she did, I'm gonna make her admit it." Jace says.

"Hey, I may not like Lydia but I doubt she's done anything wrong." Alisha says.

"Jace, stop. You are too worked up to talk to anyone right now." Clary says.

"Especially not an important envoy from the Clave." Isabelle comments.

"Let me talk to Lydia. If you accuse Alec's fiancée of treason, you will ruin whatever relationship you have left with him." Clary offers and the two other girls nod.

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