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Episode 12 ~ Alishec

Episode 12 ~ Alishec

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After an hour, Jace, Clary, Alisha and Magnus meet up outside the institute. Magnus creates a portal and they all walk through. They end up in London. Alisha looks around the beautiful scenery and smiles.

"Ragnor's house is just across these fields." Magnus states and Jace steps forwards.

"Let's make this quick. We'll talk to Ragnor and Portal him back to the Institute before anyone knows we're gone." He states.

"So, brother and sister, huh?" Magnus asks after a while.

"Magnus, not now." Alisha nudges the warlock who just shrugs.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Jace comments and Clary groans.

"What, so we're just gonna be work buddies now? All about the mission, and totally ignore the huge bomb that just dropped on us." She says.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." He pauses for a second. "What do you want me to say, Clary? That I was attracted to my sister?"

"No-" Magnus cuts Clary off.

"Point of fact, brother and sisters are often attracted to each other. I once knew this one couple in ancient Egypt-"

"Magnus, again, not helping." Alisha says shutting Magnus up.

"Maybe this will all make sense when we wake up Jocelyn. Since she is Jace's mother as well, perhaps-" Jace turns around and points his finger to Magnus.

"Don't say that again. Maryse is my mother. At best, Jocelyn is the woman who abandoned me." He shouts.

"Hey! Jace back off, fighting won't help!" Alisha shouts, her eyes flashing green knowing Jace won't back down easily. He backs away slightly.

"Hey, that is not true. My mother would never abandon her son. She thought you were dead." Clary defends her mother.

"Or maybe she just didn't want me." Jace adds.

"You don't know her, Jace." Clary reminds him.

"That's right, Clary, I don't. Do you?" Jace questions.

"I'm sorry I asked! I came with you to help Alisha escape her relationship drama, not get a front row seat to yours." Jace seems to hear something and he looks around. Alisha sniffs, also hearing something. She slightly places herself between Magnus, not wanting him to get hurt. He smiles gratefully at the hybrid even though he can protect himself.

"What was that?" Jace asks but Clary continues walking.

"Nice try, Jace. You're not getting out of this conversation that easily." She states. Magnus notices green smoke is coming at them.

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