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Episode 9 ~ Rise Up

Episode 9 ~ Rise Up

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After Alisha checked her brothers and the pack were okay, she got a call from Clary asking for help to find Simon, who turned into a vampire. The Lotova girl obviously said she'd help and she went to meet Clary and Luke at Jade Wolf. When she gets their she sees Clary and Luke talking. She walks over to her brothers, who were still their, and they both hug their sister, glad she's alright.

"Simon's gonna hate me. Luke, I did a terrible thing." Clary states.

"It can't be undone. I found my way back, your mother helped me. When he understands that you're there for him-" Clary cuts Luke off.

"But how could he know that if we can't find him?" Clary asks and Alisha steps in.

"We will find him Clary. Look, you have me Luke Isaac and Jason who are all werewolves. We can track him." Alisha calms the girl who nods.

The werewolves and shadowhunters manage to track Simon who was at his house. The pack waits outside whilst Clary walks in. Alisha stands between her brothers until her phone rings. She looks and sees it's Izzy so she walks away and answers it.

"Izzy?" She asks.

"I'm so sorry." Isabelle states through the phone making Alisha frown.

"For what? Are you okay?" She asks quickly.

"Alec's getting married to Lydia. I'm so sorry." Alishas world stops spinning. He's getting married? She thinks to herself. She was to late.

"What?" She chokes out and she hears Izzy sigh.

"He's doing it to restore the ligthwood name, he proposed to Lydia last night." Izzy states guiltily even though she did bringing wrong. "I tried to stop him, I did. It's his life our parents don't control-"

"It's fine Izzy I'm fine." She states even though it's a lie. "Now why did you call me, I know you you'd rather do that conversation in person so somethings wrong."

"Meliorns under arrest, he's been sent to the Silent brothers and we both know what that means." Alisha growls loudly.

"What do you need me to do?" She asks and Isabelle sighs.

"I don't want you to do anything," Alisha didn't notice how Clary and Simon had joined everyone outside and they're all watching now.

"Well I want to help Izzy." She states and Isabelle groans.

"I don't have a plan right now but I'll call you when I do." Alisha nods.

"Okay, Izzy. Everything will be okay." She tries to comfort her friend.

"I hope so." Izzy comments and ends the call. Alisha turns to everyone who try to look anywhere but her. She groans and walks off. They all walk after her.

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